[HC] {FL} She Loves Me

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RQ: "Kili with a reader who has a young child. Maybe pre relationship, how they meet, or how he is with having a mixed family."

TW: A child. Mentions of a burn?
GN! Reader


In all honesty, Kili would be frightened at first. He is still young and still considered as a kid by some (though he definitely doesn't like it and isn't afraid to let people know). He would be so kind and gentle, but the poor man is so clueless. Regardless of the age of the child, he will not know what to do. You'd have to gently explain everything to him. He's the best father figure, though. He's very laid back, but surprisingly good in educating them. While still unsure of himself, he's doing a good job eventually. The absolute sweetest in general. Not only against the kid, but moreover to you. He's been so patient and caring the whole relationship. The support he offered throughout the years is astonishing. He cares so much about the both of, it's adorable.

"Amrâlime! Do you know where-" Kili had walked into your home without an announcement, pulling the door open as if he owned the place. Right in front of him, stood your young daughter, staring up at the dwarf with wide eyes.

"Hello," He spoke, his voice now softer. The guilty eyes of your daughter caught him off guard. Silently, he scanned her body, until they fell onto her hand, where a red spot began to blossom.

"What happened?" Kili asked, now suddenly concerned as he knelt down to her level, holding her hand gently.

The girl, however, shook her head lightly, not daring to look at the dwarf in front of her. Shame and guilt flushed through her as pain filled her hand.

"I'm not mad," He picked up quickly, brushing over the red spot lightly. "I want to help. Did you burn it?"

A timid nod came from her, causing Kili to stand up, still holding her hand, though his hold felt as if it wasn't even there.

"Have you cooled it yet?" He pressed silently, already walking towards the kitchen with the girl in tow.

"No." She mumbled, looking down at her feet.

"It's just me," Kili tried to joke, leaning down for a second, before picking the girl up, holding her up in one arm. "I'm not angry. I just want to prevent it from getting worse. Otherwise, it will hurt even longer. And we don't want that, right?"

A shake of her head, making Kili laugh, setting her down on top of the cupboard, next to the sink. Without a moment of hesitation, he grabbed a towel from the chair, running the water.

"Keep it under here first." He instructed, placing the towel on her lap as he carefully forced her hand under the tap.

"It's cold." The girl responded, cringing at the ice cold sensation.

"It's meant to be." Kili chuckled. "So that, when we're done with the water, we can get you warmed up with this."

The dwarf's eyes ran around the kitchen, before it landed on a bowl of freshly baked cookies. The girl's eyes followed him, though they furrowed together when they landed on the bowl.

"We're not supposed to eat them yet." She sighed defeatedly.

"They won't know." Kili whispered, gesturing towards her hand, urging her to keep it under the sink.

When he got a nod in return, he ran towards the bowl, grabbing two, still warm cookies, handing one to the girl.

"Eating your pain away always worked for me." He winked, a bright smile on his face as he happily ate the cookie in his hand.

Somehow, a tiny laugh managed to escape the girl's mouth, making Kili laugh as well, nudging her slightly.

"There's that laugh." He praised, his mouth still filled with his food. "Keep that attitude."

Also great cuddle material. Nights are often spend on the floor, above the blankets. Your head is often in the crook of his neck while your daughter is completely sprawled out over his chest. Kili dubbed it the 'cat-rule'. He cannot move until she will. He will break his back if it meant for her to get some good sleep. Please remind him to stretch every so often. His back cracks so often; it's concerning. Your daughter also tends to pick up Kili's habits; speaking with a mouth full, cracking knuckles, trailing mud indoors, drinking milk out of the can etc. At first you had scolded her for it, but upon noticing Kili did it too, you toned it down. You think it's great she looks up to him, even though it is the less desirable things she takes after. It's appreciated nonetheless. Kili loves it, obviously. He will tease you about it relentlessly.

"Kili!" You scolded, looking down at the mud that now decorated your living room.

"Yes, ghivashel?" Came from the room next door, his head poking through the opening.

"I just mopped the floor!"

The dwarf walked inside, looking down at the mess decorating the rugs and wooden floors.

"That's not me." He mumbled, gesturing towards his feet, which were only decorated in socks. "I haven't been outside since sunrise."

You rolled your eyes, sighing loudly as you walked up to him, letting your head fall against his chest. The dwarf was quick to connect his hand with the back of your head softly, running his hands through your hair.

"It was her, wasn't it?" You frowned.

"Unless my feet shrank overnight, yes; it is your daughter." Kili decided to joke, placing a kiss on the top of your head.

"I bet you're loving this." You complained, raising your head to look into his eyes.

A big smile decorated Kili's face, the crinkles around his eyes nearly too beautiful to be annoyed at.

"I am," He confessed. "She loves me."

Overal; he's so excited to be part of your little family. And though it did take him quite a while to grow into it, he is absolutely smitten with it now. He never saw himself as a family man, certainly not at his age, but he is so glad you happened to him. He tries so hard and it definitely doesn't go without notice. Does his very best to make your daughter his clone. He has come this far now, he can't give up. She's more responsible than him. When she grows of age, she scolds Kili for not hanging his cloak the second he sets foot into your house. You love it, of course.

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