[HC] {FL} Double Trouble

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RQ: "Hum... Kili having a touchy and flirty girlfriend (Only with him)"

TW: Kili being himself?


- I feel like at least 70% of the Tolkien fandom just agreed with the fact that Kili is basically a puppy. And I'm here for it.

- That being said, he loves attention. It doesn't matter what it is or how it's received, he loves it.

- You wrap your arm around his while you're walking? He quickly grabs your hand with his free arm and gives it a gentle squeeze.

- You run up to him to give him a hug? He stops whatever he's doing and runs up to you in the same speed, engulfing you in his arms and twirling you around.

- You grow bored and braid his hair? He leans into your touch, letting out a content sigh and talks to you about his day. It often helps him sleep too.

- I could write an essay about physical affection with Kili.

- And his kisses are just the sweetest. He will give you one for literally any occasion.

- Goodmorning/Goodnight kisses, rewarding kisses, joking kisses, passionate kisses, butterfly kisses, hand kisses, forehead kisses etc. etc. etc.

- He cannot get enough of it. He loves giving you kisses but he completely melts when you initiate them.

- When you're holding his hand, give it a little kiss out of nowhere. He'll get all flustered and red and won't even know how to respond for a good five minutes. It's adorable.

- He's usually very flirty, but when you start any form of affection with him, he just loses all the clever words he has stocked up.

- But when you're flirting, he flirts back twice as hard. No holding back. And it fuels you on to win the flirting competition.

- It's now to the point it just becomes stupid and terrible.

- "You must be exhausted, because you've been running in my mind all day." "You know what's on the menu? Me-n-u"

- Fili is so tired of you two.

- Kili is the sweetest, though. Even as the flirting has grown into joking, he's not afraid to shower you with compliments the entire day.

- And it's about the tiniest things that only he notices; "Are those new earrings?" or "That color is truly yours, isn't it?"

- But he makes cheesy remarks too. He knows they make you laugh, so he'll casually throw them in in front of others; "Darling, your dress really compliments your eyes owo" or "My, you look quite fetching today, my love ;}"

- Return his compliments with a "You look hotter than Smaug's flames :>" and the flirting competition is back on.

- This man absolutely treasures you. Your energy just matches and he loves it so much. He feels completely at comfort with you and won't hold back on jokes and behavior. He's just so happy he can be himself around you, it makes him excited to see you again.

- He has to act all serious and royal all day, so when it's the two of you, chaos has returned. This is also the reason Thorin keeps three chairs between the two of you during royal meetings. Kili likes to make funny faces when you're directly in front of him and when you're beside him, he keeps teasing you by tickling you or kicking his foot against yours.

- Not very subtle, though, because Thorin noticed after two meetings. 

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