[HC] {FL} Personal Flame

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RQ: "Kili with a reader who has fire powers? (Higher body temperature, resulting in them being frequently cold, can melt things with their hands if they want to, basically a walking heater) Bonus points: Reader is stronk so they carry him during the Company quest and Kili becomes a koala."

TW: none. Maybe sprained ankle?? Not proofread.


- He is so taken aback by anything bizarre or out of the ordinary, but never in a bad way. He is mesmerized by things he does not understand or cannot do himself. So upon discovering you have your own pyrokinetic abilities, he goes insane.

- I once read that dwarves don't nearly get as cold as other creatures, since they live in mountains and caves, but this does not necessarily mean they never get cold.

- Although the cold takes longer to get to them, it doesn't make it any more enjoyable once it has. You noticed him freezing up one night, but his pride wouldn't allow him to show. You had stayed next to him the entire night while he cuddled up to your arm, curling up around it.

- He now forces you to stay beside him during the nights. Or any time he can. Warmth is just very comfortable, okay?

- He also loves it when you help him in the forges. Even though he's a prince, he doesn't get allowed to use the machines very often, but you can literally melt and connect metal with your hands, so why would he even need them.

- Plus, it's a great way to spend time together. He's busy with his hands, occasionally using yours, while you can stay beside him, talking to him, or even reading a book to yourself. He's just happy to have you there with him.

- Another pro, is the fact that he can use you while he's being lazy (or both of you are being lazy). The two of you had just gotten into bed when Kili realized he forgot to fire up the hearth. He only has to shoot you one pleading glance and you fired that thing up from the comfort of your own sheets.

- And, it doesn't risk the place from burning to a crisp. Thank magic for that.

- Being able to use your abilities though, does bring a few cons. One of which is getting cold yourself extremely fast.

- Kili did not know this at first and you didn't have the heart to tell him. Half of the quest was filled by him nicking all the blankets and using it to warm himself up.

- When he discovered your warmth doesn't work for yourself, he felt so bad.

- Bad that he now had to cuddle up to you every night ;)))

- He makes sure you're comfortable at all times. As already stated, mountains are cold places so you always need to be dressed warm. Kili will sacrifice his robes if it means getting you in a safe zone with good temperatures. He doesn't even care about his own health anymore.

- It can and will destroy him, so please decline his offers at times.

- Beside the fact that he's fascinated by you because of your abilities, he was taken aback by your strength when you first showed him.

- You had been on the run from wargs and Kili tripped, spraining his ankle. In the heat of the moment, you just ran up to him, carried him in your arms and ran back off again as if he weighed nothing.

- He would be blushing for hours, not even exaggerating.

- But once the blushing stopped, the bragging begins.

- He cannot shut up about it.

- Carry him again. Makes his heart do little jump and keeps him quiet for a while.

- When he reclaimed the mountain he joked that he was tired of walking all these halls and that you should carry him.

- But bro,,,,,I don't think it's a joke anymore.

- I mean, he doesn't have to walk, he can be close to you and your body temperature is very inviting. Why should he not want to be carried? I wouldn't mind.

- All in all, he absolute loves all the special things you can do. When he noticed at first, yes, he was a bit jealous, but now he's just absolutely smitten with you and there is no more place for jealousy. You never fail to impress him, even as everything became as normal as a walk in the park is. He never stops treasuring you and bragging about you in front of others. In his eyes, you're his love and everything. Why should he not talk about you?

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