[HC] {FL} Arranged Marriage

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RQ: "May I request one with Kili with the question "What would Kili do if his pregnant s/o (he doesn't know she's preggo yet) who's half himan and half elf left Erebor after Thorin arranged his marriage with a dwarven?"

TW: Pregnancy, angst, but happy ending
AFAB! GN! Reader


- I'm going to assume he isn't married yet, but is arranged to be, so sorry if it wasn't your intention.

- You joined the company to Erebor a few months ago, simultaneously saving the Durin family like the bad-ass female you are. Halfway during the quest, you fell in love with Kili, and vice verse, but his uncle did not approve for these feeling. You were half-elf and half-human. And it wasn't the human half he was concerned about; it was the elf part (obviously)

- But you're both stupidly in love and resume to engage in these feelings, which results in your pregnancy. You didn't know you were pregnant during the quest, so when Thorin cast you out after Erebor had been reclaimed, you left only after a small fight. Had you known you were carrying Kili's baby, you would've fought harder. 

- So you went back to your elven realm. After finding out you had indeed been carrying a baby, you almost immediately set back out for Erebor. You knew Thorin didn't want you there, but you couldn't care less at the moment.

- After a long and tiring trip, you arrived back at Laketown. After explaining your situation, Bard took you in without question, helping you with reaching the Lonely Mountain.

- Bofur had greeted you at the entrance, having talked with a few small dwarflings. You hadn't mentioned about the baby, but instead asked if he could send Kili outside without making it suspicious.

- And the crazy dwarf did it. Kili was ecstatic to see you, immediately running up to you and sweeping you into a hug (which was a hug with your stomach, as he was a bit smaller)

- Thanks to this height difference, he quickly noticed your bump. In his head he had already done the counting, not even thinking about the possibility of the baby not being his.

- Poor lad almost broke down in tears. With sobs he explained to you that he had already been engaged to a dwarrowdam on Thorin's command. He tried convincing you he could break it off, but you didn't want him to do that. Well, you wanted to, but you couldn't admit it. He was royalty and a dwarf.

- But Kili is stupid. He somehow managed to tangle his brother into this whole ordeal, who then spoke to Dis, their mother. Upon hearing Kili had already found his One, she grew enraged at Thorin for breaking them up, leaving him no choice but to break off the youngest prince's engagement.

- Kili decided for a place in Dale, which had been reconstructed. You wouldn't be inside the mountain, so you wouldn't be reminded of your rocky past with the king. Instead, you'd be surrounded by humans, who were way more acceptant of you. Kili was still near his family, and Dis was quick to accept your courtship.

- Kili would've never left you alone with the baby in any circumstance. Not even if it meant still having to marry the dwarrowdam. He'd be there for you and the bag regardless. He helps you through the pregnancy, through cravings, even through all the stupid arguments.

- He's so adorable, yet somehow completely ready to father, even if it was unexpected.

- He's the sweetest, really.

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