[FF] {FL} Birthday Cake

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RQ: "Hmm, well what about modern au!Kili having a girlfriend, who loves autumn and always bakes things like cinnamon rolls, so he decides to make her a cake for her bday himself and is surprisingly good at it (I know lots of people would say he is horrible at baking, but in my opinion he might not be that big disaster...at least once)?"

TW: Modern!AU, Kili in the kitchen
GN! Reader


For as long as Kili had known you, he was aware of the fact of how much you liked baking. His brother had warned you to not let him into the kitchen without supervision, claiming he was a 'natural disaster', but when you were baking, you were glad to have Kili by your side. He would read instructions to you and hand you every ingredient you needed. He even took the liberty to quickly run to the store if you forgot the apples, or had a shortage of two eggs. He was one of the best helpers you could wish for.

But yes, he is a natural disaster. Not necessarily when baking, but most definitely when making dinner. He even manages to screw up soup. Pre-made soup that they sell in a can. He can screw that up. He doesn't even have to try.

As he accompanied you in the kitchen, he always watched your steps carefully. At first, it was out of caution; to make sure you wouldn't accidentally cut yourself or put your hand in the blender (it was a real fear). Yet - as time grew on - he started watching out of curiosity. He paid attention to the way you would oil in the cake holder or the way you carefully poured the milk into the bowls without throwing everything out. And gradually, he started to pick up on these small things. He noted them down in his head, making sure he would offer to try it the next time.

Cooking might have come horrible for him, but he was a surprising good baker, to say the least. You did not yet dare leave him alone in the kitchen yet (not after he burned down the microwave trying to heat up an egg), but you gave him easy tasks such as kneading the dough, decorating finished products and mixing the ingredients together.

Kili had always respected your boundaries, he couldn't really blame you after what he did to the kitchen multiple times, but your birthday had been coming up and he wanted to do something special for you. A few weeks ago you had made muffins, and Kili came with the amazing idea to bake you a cake. It couldn't be that much different than tiny cakes, right?

So as the day of your birthday finally arrived, he managed to convince his brother to distract you for a while. Fili hadn't asked him why, which brought relief to his brother, because, if Kili would tell him he would be in the kitchen on his own, Fili would freak out.

Kili had been preparing everything for weeks now. He made sure the ingredients had already been in the house and that the materials he needed were in the kitchen the minute you left. So the minute you set foot outside the door, he had raced towards the oven, already pre-heating it. He had remembered every little comment you made while baking, and made sure to use your words. Your favorite cake flavor had not been difficult to find, as you always told him how much you loved the recipe.

Kili had worked extremely quick, yet careful. He knew that one screw-up could result into him not being allowed in the kitchen anymore (again). And - besides trying to make you happy with a birthday cake - he wanted to prove that he would no longer explode microwaves and burn down pans, and could be in the kitchen on his own.

As soon as the cake was in the oven, he cleaned the kitchen islands in record time. He had never cleaned so fast in his life. The left overs were thrown into the bin as a wet cloth made the surface shine again. He knew it was only a matter of time before you were home again and he truly wanted to give you the element of surprise.

But you were no fool. The second Kili had welcomed you back, you knew something was up; Kili's hair had been tied back instead of his normal half-down hairstyle, his voice was a tad higher pitched than usual, he was fiddling with the ring on his finger (something he only did when nervous), but - most importantly - the entire house smelled of fresh cake. But you did not want to disappoint him, and therefor kept quiet.

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