~Prison-quality pasta~

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Charlie's POV :
As I mindlessly stared at the stack of pre-cal books beside me, I couldn't help but create fake scenarios in my head about random celebrities that don't know I exist. I mean pre-cal is boring anyways so I might as well make it more exciting by imagining Chris Evans and me working on a movie together and him falling head over heels deeply in love with me. Right?

I guess I was too caught up in my fantasy world ( that will 100% come true someday ) that I didn't even notice the bell ring which was unusual for me as it is the best part of math, Leaving.

"Wow Charlotte I mean I know Mr Roberts is hot but I mean jeez do you have to stare at him that long"

I knew that voice instantly.

Simon Kelleher.

If there is one thing I hate more than math, it's him. We used to be what I considered friends up until a year ago when the bastard backstabbed me on his stupid app.

"Wow quick, someone takes me to the hospital because I think I'm going to die laughing," I said sarcastically.

"I know.. I'm hilarious". Simon said as he finished packing up his things before coming closer to me. I stepped back but he just stepped closer.

"But not as hilarious as your hook-up with Nate Macauley last summer" he smirked before walking around my table, knocking the stack of books as he strolled out the door.


I finished packing up my books before heading out for lunch. After a few seconds of scanning, I found one of my best friends Janae Matthews who also happens to be Simons's Best Friend as well. She was sitting alone, with no emo asshole in sight. Thankfully.

"Matthews" I muttered slinging the bag off my shoulders and placing it to my left before finally sitting down.

"Collins" She replied too busy enjoying Bayviews prison-quality pasta.

"How was pre-cal" She questioned shoving another piece of pasta into her mouth.

"Terrible, I wanted to kill myself the entire time, I mean who needs to learn that crap anyways no one is ever going to use it"

"Hey your preaching to the converted I agree, math as a whole is stupid"

"So stupid" I endorsed.

Before I could say something else I noticed a very specific blue jacket with blends of pink and orange coming towards us with his laptop in hand.

"That's my queue"

"What" Janae questioned looking up from her pasta.

"That," I said nodding my head in the direction of the walking burn book.

"Oh," Janae said finally piecing it together.

I heard her say something which I can only assume was a bye but I couldn't return it as I was already halfway across the cafeteria because even one unnecessary sight of that privileged stuck-up freak makes me want to pour bleach in my eyes. Twice. Just to make sure they are clean.

I took another glance around the room before spotting two of my "friends but not really".Bronwyn Rojas and Evan Nieman.

"Hey guys, mind if I sit here," I said as I already began to sit down.

"Sure" they both replied in sync.

That was weird, not unusual as they were always perfectly in sync. After all, they were Bayviews most unproblematic couple. Sure I felt like a third wheel but in reality, I only have a select few people I can sit with at school. So this will have to do.

Once again I was snapped out of my thoughts when everyone's phone received a notification at the same time, Including mine. Which only meant one thing, That dickhead posted again. I keep meaning to get rid of the app but I have to admit some of the things he puts in there are interesting. Simon had promised something major to be spilt on Friday so no one expected him to post so in one cohesive movement, the whole cafeteria opened their phones, opening the "About That" app and reading the latest post.

" It's your lucky day! I know I said you'd have to wait until Friday, but looking at all of you and your boring predictable little cliques talking about the same predictable bullshit, makes me realise it is my moral duty to do something that makes this day more interesting

So here's a little taste to hold you until the end of the week. By now, most of you have probably noticed the new girl: FJ, making friends with the theatre nerds. She may look harmless but don't be fooled by her innocent smile. Turns out she is only here because she got kicked out of her last school for stabbing her English teacher in the back - literally- Good thing her daddy's rich, or she is eating lunch behind bars right now."

Within a second all the poor girl's friends were gone as she desperately began looking around in confusion. I know what it's like to lose all your friends because that black-souled demon posted a secret you tried to erase on that stupid app. So I grabbed my tray off of the table and said goodbye to Bronwyn and Evan before making my way over to her.

I felt eyes judging me but I didn't care, I'm not letting that asshole make someone else feel like a piece of shit, just like he did to me.

"Hi I'm Charlie, Charlie Collins," I said sitting down across from her and sticking my hand out for her to shake.

"I'm Fj Williams, what happened why did they leave" She questioned.

"Because of this," I said pulling the post up on my phone and showing it to her.

"How did anyone find out about this I mean my record was expunged, this doesn't exist anymore" She explained with tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"Ya well, there is no such thing as privacy and secrets in Bayview, especially with that weirdo behind you" I retaliated pointing to Simon only two tables behind.

She quickly looked back to see Simon starting at the two of us with his signature "I'm better than everyone because I'm the mayor's son so I can ruin lives and get away with it" smirk. I narrow my eyes at him before my phone goes off once more

I glanced down at my phone and see the Instagram notification before opening it. It's from a fake user

@user07091900: I know what you did in Indiana Don't think you can run from your past because you can't. Everyone will see Charlotte Collins for who she is. A two-faced psychopath.

Well shit.

A/N: AHHHHH JUST FINISHED THIS CHAPTER AND IM OBSESSED WITH CHARLIE ALREADY!! in the next few chapters, we will get to see more of the hatred between Simon and Charlie and that came about... What do you think the user wants to expose Charlie for?..

Hope you enjoyed pls leave feedback and vote. It helps :)

Word count:1176

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