~Great Strategy, Shit Execution~

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"Let's get that shithole of a laptop".

"Smart girl," Simon said a smirk forming on his face before throwing his bag out the window.

"Leave your phone here, just in case"

"Just in case what?" I question placing my phone on the table next to his.

"In case we get caught, they can't place us at the school because our phones were pinging here". Simon states as if it was the most obvious thing in the world before he begins his descent to the ground.

"I thought you said that you had a great plan meaning we wouldn't get caught". I say only a few steps above.

"It is a great plan but even the best plans can fall through". He says finally reaching the ground.

"Like Salvador Dali's Prison Painting Art Heist".

"Exactly, great strategy, shit execution"

The car drive over to the school was mostly Simon explaining how simplicity is best in a plan like this. The guy acted like we were breaking into the national bank of America. When in reality we were breaking into Bayview high school aka the high school that could somehow afford to build a huge extension onto the left side of the building but couldn't afford to pay to fix the leaking roof with mould surrounding it.

The car came to a stop. Looking out the window I realised we were a full town away.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but the last time I checked this is not Bayview," I said stepping out of the car and taking in my surroundings

"No shit Sherlock Holmes, in any heist you park away from the building so once again you can't be tracked back to being there".

"Wow, someone sounds experienced, pity that's the only thing you're experienced in". I said walking in the direction of the school. This ends tonight.

"Funny because that's not what you thought a year ago". Simon quipped as he followed me and we finally reached the school.

"Shit I can't see a thing," I said as we made our way around the back of the building away from the street lights.

"Maybe if we had our phones we would be able to use the torch on them" I continued before a bag was slammed into my chest.

"There's a flashlight in there"

Turning on the flashlight we made our way to the back entrance when suddenly we realise it was locked.


"Hand me the bag" Simon ordered and reluctantly I did. Was I doing this?

Suddenly Simon pulled out a hammer.

"What are you doing with that"

"Relax Charlotte, I'm not going to murder you with it, stand back," Simon said shoving my back with his other hand.

Within a second the lock shattered off the door before landing on the grass. My face quickly turned to one of horror which Simon noticed.

"Congrats sugar, not only did you just technically damage school property but you are officially an accomplice to your first felony" Simon laughed swinging the large metal door open, stepping inside

I took a deep breath before following him inside, holding the flashlight out.

"Who said this is my first felony"

Simon looks back at me in shock.

"Are you implying that it's not"

"I'm clearly stating a hypothetical situation that's all"

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