~ Damn Dr Phil that's deep ~

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Tw: Lung Cancer

Am I attracted to Simon Kelleher?

I hear the little voice in the back of my head laugh at my ridiculousness before I can't help but let out a stifle of a laugh. I mean I'm ashamed that thought came into my head. Look at him. He looks like a goat pissed into a tin can and told the devil to make one of his spawns out of it.

Once I'm back in class I see that my phone has gone off. I glance up to check if Mr Roberts is watching and he's not. Quickly I pull out my phone half expecting it to either be a message from Dad asking me if I left the stove on when in reality we all know it was him or that anonymous user, and I was right.

User07091900: First breaking into the school to attempt to get rid of me but now you murdering students for me. Truly I'm flattered but I don't personally think that an orange jumpsuit will be a flattering colour on you, Charlie, I have to admit I was VERY flattering on your last identity though. I wonder if your principal would agree, wouldn't she?

Not gonna lie I had kind of forgotten about the messages, I mean they had gotten less frequent and less creative so I kinda just removed them from my memory, but don't get me wrong I still want to find all the dirt I can on Bethannie and destroy her life as she did to me but I guess I'm just a little more focused on not being arrested for a murder I didn't commit first.

The day dragged on for what seemed like hours before it was finally time to get home. Thank God. I grabbed my spare key before unlocking the door, and when I did I felt my heart stop.

I couldn't explain it, it's like the second I walked in the door the whole atmosphere changed, I mean today wasn't necessarily the best day for me after being accused of murder by a cop, but fuck me it was about to get a whole lot worse.

I could see Dad lying on the couch with Mom hovering over him, Dada looked tired. Exhausted even. Mom looked worried. In distraught


Mom looked up before Dad did too, shooting me the best happy smile he could muster. There was just something behind his eyes that told me that something wasn't right.

"Hey kiddo, how was school-"

Dad was caught off guard by a massive coughing fit, Mom rubbing his back, while I rushed over to help.

"I'm fine, I'm fine" Dad choked out between coughs before mom handed him a tissue.

Once the coughing fit was over Dad pulled the tissue away from his mouth before folding it rapidly, but not quickly enough because I caught a two-second glimpse of what was in it. Blood.

"Let's get you to bed honey, I've already booked you a doctor's appointment". Mom said helping Dad off the couch and leading him up the stairs.

I dropped my bag at the end of the stairs before sitting on the white padded stools that sat just under our white marbled countertop.

As Mom came down the stairs, she took a seat across from me.

"What is it ?"

"I don't know for sure but based on what I hat he is going through, I think it the same"

Tears sting my eyes as I turned away from her.

Lung Cancer. It's the one thing that I feared would take my dad away from me a little over two years ago now and once Dad told me he was all clear it was the one thing I was sure was true in the past but here it is, here to put our family through more pain and trauma. Like I haven't done that enough already.

Tears stream down my cheek, my mascara going down with it but I don't care, I can't go through this again. None of us can.

"Hey, it's okay, your dad is a fighter, he kicked cancer's ass once and if this is what that is I'm sure he will do it again". Mom said reaching up and wiping the tears from my eyes.

"I know, thanks" I confirm pushing out of the chair and heading up the stairs.

The second my door closes I break down, I always hated when people see me cry hence why I don't show my emotions ever.

As I cry on my bed, I can't help but remember the first time this happened, and the only person who help me through it. Simon. Sure he might be a dickhead but he was there for me and a part of me will always be thankful for him a part of me is upset because I know if Dad does have cancer again, I don't have that lifeline anymore.

"And the doctors told Mom they don't think the chemo is working, I mean why pump his body with that shit if it's not going to work" I rant fast pacing up and down his bedroom floor.

"They don't think, meaning they don't know Charlie, you have got to be positive"

"Positive? How can I be positive when my dad is dying" I say sliding down the cream-coloured walls.

"God dammit, it's my fault isn't it?, he worked I'm terrible conditions because we had to move houses for my education and my new life," I say getting angrier and angrier with every word.

Eventually, the anger becomes too much and I begin to slap my head, with all my strength, this whole thing is my fault so I have to be punished for it, Dad is innocent and in pain, I should be in more pain because I'm guilty.

"Hey, don't do that, you'll hurt yourself"

"I DESERVE IT" I shout tears streaming down my face.

"No, Charlie no you don't, and you know you don't, you are just so full of emotion you need something to take it out on so the weakest thing you can't find right now is your mind because you already know the negative thoughts have the upper hand because they know their way around your brain like the back of their hands," Simon said simply sitting beside me.

I can't help but just stare at him. I honestly don't know how he knows what exactly I need to hear.

"Damn Dr Phil that's deep". I say chuckling through my tears.

"Not as deep as your mo-"

"Don't you even dare, or I will hit you"

"Okay, okay" Simon laughs engulfing me at his side.

"Thank you," I say smiling up at him, but he's too focused on tracing designs on the bare skin that's showing on my stomach.

"Anytime," Simon says locking eyes with me.

"I would kill for you, Charlie"

"You wouldn't kill a fly, Kelleher"

"I would if they even looked at you the wrong way, you're like an innocent child in a world of big bad monsters"

Simon's' hand cups my face.

"And ill do anything to make sure they never lay a hand on you, and if that means doing the worst of the worst then I will"


I see Simons's eyes dart to my lips before he slowly makes his way towards me, I feel my heart skip a beat before u close my eyes bracing myself for the next step before I lean in too.

I feel my heart yearn for someone to talk to right now, I mean first I'm trying to make sure I don't go to jail for a murder I didn't commit but now my dad might be dying.

Do I ever catch a break?

A/N: STOPP I FEEL SO BAD FOR DOING THIS BUT IT ALL FITS IN I PROMISE, The thought of hurting my baby girl (iykyk) Matthew kills me 😭
Also, any Chris Evans fans catch the fantastic four quotes.

As usual: please vote and leave feedback it helps :)


Word count:1350

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