~Assholes, hypocrites, liars and fakes~

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"I need your help, Simon"

He looks me up and down for a second before scoffing.

"Oh fuck no," He says shutting the door.

"Woah Simon," I say springing toward the door and pushing it back open.

"You and I both know I wouldn't come to you unless it was serious" I plead.

He seems to accept this answer because the next thing I know I'm being led upstairs.

He pushes open a large white door to reveal a large room with grey-painted walls. I glance around taking in my surroundings. There is a white electric guitar hanging above a vintage "PacMan" arcade game beside the door. My eyes move to the large red sheeted bed lying in the middle of the floor and the drum set next to that. Neon signs dangle around the room. one in a foreign language above his desk that is home to three massive monitors, an Xbox and his laptop...

"What the fuck do you want" Simon spits removing his jacket and revealing a black and white striped shirt and his signature lock and key necklace.

"I need you to find dirt on someone".

A large grin appears on his face as he makes his way over to where I am standing.

"She has been sending me these really weird messages and got me kicked off the volleyball team".

"That sucks but has nothing to do with me" Simon states sitting at the edge of his bed

"I know but I need you to find really bad dirt on her and expose her for it, I mean I want her to sweat, I want her to suffer" I continue shocked at my own words.

"You said it's about messages right?" Simon questioned glancing up at me, still smiling.

"Yeah" I breathed out the anger swirling inside of me.

"So have you thought about it? I don't know, blocking her?"

"Don't you think I've tried ?" I stated. Does he think I'm an idiot? Probably.

"Why would I help you," He says flatly

"Come on," I said leaning against the wall.

"You remember the days when we would make fun of all the assholes in the school, placing bets on which couples would cheat on each other next," I continue watching him fidget with his rings. Avoiding my eyes.

He looks up at me.

"I also remember the summer you told me you liked me".

Now it's my turn to avoid his eyes.

"And we started to. You know. And then you joined the volleyball team. Started hanging out with all the popular assholes, I also remember your little "mishap" with Nate ". He said adding air quotes around the mishap.

"But it's okay right because we never made it official right?"

I finally glance up at him.

"And I also remember when you told me, that I deservingly made fun of you for it, and you never spoke to me again."

I either prayed at the alter of Charlotte Collins or I didn't exist, well I did but only to be made fun of by your new popular friends"

He just stares at me. I want to say something. Anything but I have no idea what to say. He was right and deep down I knew it.

"You're the biggest fake I know".

I see it in his eyes. The anger he has towards me, I've seen it hundreds even thousands of times but never like this. It hurts him and I don't know why but it hurts me too. It scares me. All I want to do is leave but I can't. It's either I leave and my biggest secret gets leaked or I convince my secret ex "boyfriend but not boyfriend" to help me and they stop. The answer is clear.

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