~What a sad asshole~

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Well shit.

This is a joke, it has to be. No one from Indiana even knows who I am anymore let alone what school I went to. Then it clicks.

Bethannie. My best friend from Indiana. It has to be her. I mean she's the only one I ever told that I was moving away, to everyone else we just got up and left. She's also the one who made all my friends hate me. She is the one that drove me to do what I did.

"Hey, you okay?" FJ asked staring at me with a look of concern on her face.

"Oh what... Ya, I'm fine thanks" I quickly glance up at the clock.

"Oh shit, I'm late for my next class" I mutter as I stand up quickly and throw my bag over my shoulder.

"Hey, Charlie would you like to hang out after school" "uh sure, " I say hurrying off to my next class.

"Wait" Fj calls scurrying after me. "Add my Snapchat and we can decide a time".

I pull out my phone and add her, before leaving to go to class.

I pushed through the hall full of sweaty seniors before realising I have to go to my locker. "You have to be kidding, " I think to myself.

Well, I'm already late so what're another few minutes late. Grabbing my physics book and copy I finally reach the door before knocking.

"Ms Collins" My teacher Ms Avery scolds. "Care to explain why you are late".

"I'm sorry Ms I completely lost track of time" I explain.

She seems happy with the lame excuse because she nods slightly "Sit down and take out your work".

As I walked to my seat I mentally prepared myself for the worst hour of the day. The hour when I have to sit next to that annoyingly arrogant piece of crap.

"Wow, late again Charlotte what is that? the fifth time this month," Simon remarks smirking at me. I can't deal with this right now.

"Wow Simon you're being annoying again, what's that? The one-millionth time this minute". I whisper shout focusing my attention on Ms Avery.

"Consider this your warning, your making a mistake becoming friends with FJ, she's dangerous," He says leaning his hand against his using it to prop himself up. I shoot him a confused look.

"Why do you care" He looks at me for a minute analysing my expression.

" I don't, I'm just merely warning you she's a backstabber literally"

"So are you" I replied.

"That's it," Ms Avery said slamming her whiteboard marker on her desk. She turns to face me with her eyes haunting my own.

"First you are late to my class for the sixth time this month"

"My bad" Simons whispers so only I can hear, rubbing his face to hide his laughter.

"But I have left you off because you usually have a good work ethic but I have to draw the line because you're taking away from other students learning".

My jaw feels as though it's about to drop in shock.

Me? Taking away from Simon's learning? That asshole takes away people's social/love lives as a hobby. Doesn't he deserve it?

"You can meet me in detention after school".


Once she turns around I notice Simon smirking at me for what feels like the one hundredth time today.

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