~ That's it. My solution. ~

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"Bethannie you bitch"

I curse under my breath as I place my head on my laptop. Why can't I find any dirt on her? I mean she was the most popular girl in school when I was there. She has surely done something bad in her lifetime.

I need a solution to fix this mess. I need a very specific solution where 1. The messages stop and no one finds out anything about "the Indiana incident" as I call it in my head and 2. Whoever is behind the messages gets exactly what they deserve. As I attempt to scout my brain for this miracle of a solution I decide that it doesn't exist so I go back to stalking her IG

I know it's childish to try and blackmail her but I have to. I have no other choice, I have blocked the fake account 20 times and somehow she still keeps liking my posts, telling me she's still there. Watching me. I tried reporting the account as well but no luck. This is my last resort and it's still not working.

I glance over at my clock. 4 am. I have been at this for nearly five hours now and the most I have found is that she has a dog named Marko who is cute, to be honest, and the fact she went to Italy last summer. I feel my eyes shut as I lean against the cool surface of my desk and I let them, but just before I do I notice another notification flashes across my screen. I resist the urge to open it and place my head down once again. Within less than a minute curiosity gets the better of me and I hesitantly click on it.

User07091900: Blocking me once is something but 20 times? That's a lot. You must be worried about your little secret getting out. I mean I would be too especially when it could be not only ruin everything you have now but everything you might ever have in the future. I'm going to warn you once and once only. Don't try and stop me and stop trying to blackmail me, because neither will work. If you do, you will regret it :).

I quickly close my laptop as I feel myself start to panic. I place my head on my table and stare off into space and eventually I fall asleep.

"I know who runs About That,"

Janae said excitedly as she sat down across from me.

"Sure and I know who my real dad is". I say sarcastically looking up from my history homework to look at her.

"No, I'm serious"

. There was no sign of bluffing in her face and if there is I didn't see it. I quickly put my books aside and lean over the table closer to Janae. If this was real then it was huge, Janae and I have been trying to figure out who's behind it for weeks.

"Well, who is then," I ask my heart pounding with anticipation.

"I can't tell you," she says leaning away

"Janae" I pleaded. "I won't tell anyone, pinkie swear," I say showing her my pinkie finger to prove my commitment.

"Fine" her pinkie wrapping around my own. We both lean over the table.

"It's Simon" she whispers into my ear.

"Why am I not surprised" Janae begins to laugh

"That's exactly what I said". I paused.

"Wait he told you" I inquired.

"Well not exactly," she said "he showed me"

"He showed you?" I repeat flabbergasted.

"Yup he even told me his password"

"No way"

"yes way"

My eyes shoot open to the sound of my alarm indicating it is time for volleyball practice. I push myself off of my desk before taking one last glance at my laptop.

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