~ I'm just in a silly goofy mood ~

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Trigger ⚠️: Slight Homophobia and suicidal talk. Plus Simon just being Simon.

Guess we found our 'murderer'

Adeline Prentiss. No better Candidate. Her head is so far up her ass, she hated everyone and everything that breathes if it doesn't have "Fenty Beauty" slapped across it.

I focus my attention back on Torres as we are revising the topic of coastal erosion and deposition, a chapter I have not the slightest clue about.

While Torres blabbers on about the sea cave, arch, stack and stump, my mind can't help but wonder back to Bronwyn and Simon being a couple. I mean in what universe? Bronwyn is smart, pretty, funny and the last time I checked taken. Kelleher is a pretentious, psychopathic, antisocial dick. I mean up until that little exchange I was convinced Bronwynn and Evan were strong as ever. I have to ask about this.

I reach into my pencil case, grab my blue biro that is hanging on like Natasha Romanoff on Vormir and scribble ' ASK B' on the back of my hand. Before I attempt refocusing.

Simons Pov:

Addy Prentiss.
Stuck up cow.

"Oh look at me I am so great I have the best boyfriend who I pretend isn't pounding every girl in Bayview, I'm popular and so intelligent even tho I can nearly count to ten but hey, it's okay right cause I can count how many dicks I have eaten, which is in the hundreds but when someone calls to me a whore I flip out" #summerofourlives #yolo #hypocrite"

To say she boils my blood is an understatement. I've hated her since middle school. Her whole existence makes me want to jump out of a plane with no parachute and take her with me. Which is exactly why she is perfect as our murderer.

I'm sure that half the school hates her and a little birdie once told me, that includes FJ. Addy made fun of her antisocial personality disorder.

Oh shit. I'm an evil mastermind.

That's our story to throw the police off of our trail: Addy made fun of Fjs ASPD and FJ snapped. FJ says all types of shit to Addy and that's when Addy asks her to meet in the lab, but instead of a sweet Prentiss apology, it's a bloody shitshow.

God Kelleher, how are you such a genius?

As I return to the filthy helpless world I was wrongly born in I lean over to look at Bronwyn's copy. Just to make sure I didn't miss anything important. Through her floss-like brown mop, I can nearly make out her full A4 page of notes. Balls.

I almost feel the need to shut my eyes due to the brightness of her notes. Rojas is one of those 'aesthetic girlies' that could take notes on the holocaust and have little pink unicorns surrounding the bubble font heading.

I glance down at my blank refill pad that has more mental stability than this whole class combined and I rip the corner off, before forming it into a little ball. I have to tell Charlotte my genius cover story but knowing her she is probably creaming her pants at even the small talk of hydraulic action.

Aiming my throw carefully, I fling my wrist slightly back, launching the ball slightly above the table height, it lands right in her hood, but doesn't stir her in the slightest. Tearing another part off of the sheet and placing it in my hands, a loud ring sounds through the room. My eyes shoot to the clock. Fabulous.

The whole room squishes out the door, determined to get out of the hell hole that is room A4. I make sure to stay a few people behind Charlotte to not be too suspicious. Before slipping the piece of paper now with very specific instructions on it into the little vent that camouflages with the tacky navy that paints the whole locker.



Don't ask. It's like Shemar Moore once said "I'm just in a silly goofy mood".

I go on about my day, contemplating my entire reason for existence, mocking every movement janae makes and of course being an annoying student to Gupta.

The finer things in life.

I plop down on my 'however much this bed cost' bed and begin scrolling on my phone. Of course, I get an Instagram notification. @addyprentiss_ has posted. I wrinkle my nose at the thought of seeing that box-dyed bitch anymore than I have to but I suppose if she is our murderer I might as well get to know her.

As I click on the post it's her and Vanessa in a be real. With Cooper Clay and Jake on the other side. Cooper clay. Another bastard. Rumour has it he is very like Addy. They both like to suck dick. Oh wait that was me.

I spread that rumour. Oopsie

I begin to scroll through Addy's Instagram and see her making the same pose in every photo. With the same pout, she looked like a confused puppy. Or maybe just a bitch. I pained myself by scrolling and scrolling through the most useless of shit when another notification came on my phone. This time it was a DM. I swear I have never clicked anything so fast. Get me away from this page.

User07091900: You're chasing the wrong person. Addy didn't kill FJ. The true murderer is right in front of you. She has you wrapped around her finger, just like she had everyone wrapped around her finger here to m. Your killer is Charlie. Charlie Collins.

I couldn't help but erupt into laughter. Charlie, has me wrapped around her finger?

My head then snaps up as I fully realize that this is the same user who was harassing Charlotte, and now they just accused her of murder.

User07091900: don't believe me that's fine. But I have evidence if you want it. Better get it quick before it's leaked to the press.

Looks like it's being leaked to the press

A/N: AH AND ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST. I have been so stressed getting ready for exams in 10 days but u felt so bad for not getting closer to posting. I probably won't be writing again after the JC but I should be back to my regularly scheduled programming afterwards.

Once again: I hope you enjoyed :) please like and vote and leave feedback.


Word count: 1077

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