~The pope? A therapist? A sex offender? ~

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"Give me a name"

"Wait. What?" I say stepping back up the step.

"You heard me," he says folding his arms across his chest.

"Bethannie Philips" I state. Rocking back and forward on the final steps. The tension was only growing.

"You owe me big time," he says strolling into his room placing his headset on his head and turning on his monitors.

I awkwardly stand in the hall before quietly following him into his room and sitting on the bed.

"Uh ya sure, What do you want," I say slightly scared about the response I was going to get back.

" I don't know yet," he says staring at me before sticking his hand out.

"Phone," he demands.

I reluctantly hand it over to him watching as he plugs it into the back of his monitor. The messages automatically appear and Simon begins clicking the messages which reveals what I can only describe as "nerd gibberish" before Simon begins to type the same thing. I watch in awe as the code begins to change. Letters flash as they change to whatever Simon was typing. I mean I always knew Simon was good at computers but I guess I didn't realise how good.

"So care to explain what you're doing because this makes no sense to me," I say leaning on my elbows as I sit beside Simon. Staring at his computer that's full of Chemistry formulas, while also thanking my past self for studying Physics.

"I'm working on some stupid project for AP Chem he says before starting a rant about Ms Cheng, his chem teacher.

He looked so pretty. Especially with the sunlight creating the perfect golden hour hue on his silky black hair. His chain glistened as it hung from around his neck, with his rings doing the same as he typed. I couldn't help but smile.

"Why are you smiling like that?" he says shutting his laptop before shifting positions. He is now lying on his back with his hands behind his head.

"Smiling like what?" I say as I begin to fiddle with the shoelaces of his vans.

"Like that" he confirms pointing at the very evident grin on my face.

"I'm just thinking about the time you slipped into the port" I giggle before bursting out into a burst of uncontrollable laughter.

"Janae pushed me!" Simon argues, sitting up to face me before chuckling.

I can't help but notice how his nose wrinkles when laughs. It is adorable. It's so genuine.

"Sure she did," I say sarcastically.

"I bet if you asked her what happened she would say a completely different thing" I finish having now completely untied both shoelaces.

He looks down only now realising what I have done. I stare back at him worried he will be mad but he just lays back down. I smile in contentment before I start to replace the laces with a different cris cross design.

"Ya, these messages are faked". He says spinning around in his gaming chair and looking at me.

"Are you sure"? I ask looking at the monitor which looks the same as it did twenty minutes ago.

"Yes," Simon says flatly before looking at me.

" I'm still not 100% sure that Bethannie Phillps sent the messages through"

"What?" I say standing up and heading towards the desk.

" I said I'm still not 100% sure that bethannie phillps sent the-"

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