New Chapter

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(Wake up in the morning he open his eyes and the first sight is y/n's face...he start smiling & admiring her face. He is really overwhelmed by the lovely sight, he never imagine to see the moment like this. But when he comes to know he claim it as his.he wanna cuddle with her but seeing her sleeping peacefully, he don't wanna disturb so he get up and go to the bathroom to take bath and get ready.)

After 2 hour:

(You wake up and sit on the bed & remember the last night. The whole past, it's like a nightmare. And you want it to be end but no this is the truth. He also threatened your family to not try to contact you. You get up and do complete your morning routine. And decide to go down stairs. And finally you accept your fate because there is no other way out, but start trying to live in this hell)

(After coming down stairs you able to see Jonathan aka ji Chang wook sitting on the sofa talking to someone....then you notice the unknown person and realize he already looking at you without blinking)

(It's rude that how he staring at me...suddenly ji Chang wook look at my appearance and smile bright.)

JI CHANG WOOK: Good morning Doll. Come sit with me...come!!

(I go to him or he will be angry though I don't wanna sit with him or infront of his creepy friend but I have no choice...I go and sit beside him still making a distance..but I don't think he like it)

JI CHANG WOOK: why are you sitting so far? Come closer.

(He pulls you by your waist and cover his one hand with one hand and hold your hand with other, it's creepy for me that he always show his obsessive side in-front of everyone...he really don't care about anyone)

JI CHANG WOOK: meet my lovely wife mrs. JI Y/n.

??: ohhkk!! Nice to meet you mrs. JI. My name is Park Seo Joon.

  My name is Park Seo Joon

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( I just nodded my head. I really don't wanna sit hear. But I have no choice.)

JI CHANG WOOK: okay!! Give me some seconds I'm coming.

PARK SEO JOON: yeah sure!!

(Oh my freaking God...don't tell me I have to sit with him right now. But I look at ji Chang wook last sight going to his study room then I slowly turn my head and see the guy is already looking at me. I smile to him and ask)

Y/N: do you wanna eat something?
PARK SEO JOON: umm no it's okay. So tell me about yourself?!!
Y/N: umm actually-
PARK SEO JOON: I know that you are forced to marry him...I didn't come at your wedding but I know very well. He is stubborn...over possessive...I can tell that you are not happy with this marriage. And I think you are younger than him right!??
Y/N: yeah!!(if you know everything then why are you asking me about myself...idiot)
PARK SEO JOON: but you have nothing to be forced by the most dangerous mafia...then why he marry you..

(Is he underestimate me? I know I'm not good enough but not that bad though...suddenly see ji Chang wook comes in and start talking)

JI CHANG WOOK: umm Doll can you please go up stairs for some moments...I'll call you.

(I get up and nodded my head as yes and then start going but I notice the guy still looking at me. I ignore it and go upstairs in the room and lying on the bed and start thinking about the things of my life, how it changed)


(Actually you felt asleep...ji Chang wook called you but you didn't answer and then he came and saw you sleeping so he didn't disturb you and sit beside you with his work. You wake up and see he is beside didn't expect this so you flinch)

JI CHANG WOOK: oh!! Come down doll it's me. Okay tell me do you wanna eat something?!! Why shouldn't you!! Wait let me grab some food for you.

(He go to downstairs and again come to the room with a big tray of many food and put it in bed)

JI CHANG WOOK: hmm!! Now eat. If you need more just tell me.

(I don't wanna talk to him so much...I don't wanna eat..I feel vomiting by the smell of food...I have no energy to do or eat anything like I'm really hopeless. Im living like a dead soul human...I'm not in me. I have no problem if I die.)

Y/N: look I don't wanna-

(I run to the bathroom and vomit...he also run with me..grab my body.)

JI CHANG WOOK: Whatt happens?!! Doll!! Doll!! Are you okay?

(I really can't see her anything's make me get mad..I take her to the bed and put her slowly on the doctor)

(No no no I don't let her happen anything...I can fight to get her back with Satan or God...she is mine. She have to live with me anyhow. If anything happens I'll destroy everything)

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