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Y/N: Answer me Jonathan.

(I ask him with cold voice...expecting it as joke or lie)

JI CHANG WOOK: uhhh!! yes

(he said yes with lower gaze...and the guilt which having a war with the soul)

Y/N: wow...what a man.. you are really speechless. I have no words.

(I was thinking to give him a chance but now I'm totally he can do is most purest part of's not for pleasure. but he just make a fun of it. I also feel the slight pain in my heart though I don't love him fully but he lost the last chance...)

Y/N: do whatever you's your life...

(a gliter of tears can be shown in her eyes...the feeling of betrayed make her more alone and poor)

JI CHANG WOOK: y/n I'm sorry...I didn't know you will come to my life and become the most special person. But..but after you came I totally leave all those work... because I realise that I waste my time and money on the sluts. before you the sex was my pleasure place but now only seeing you is the most precious pleasure to me.

Y/N: I don't wanna know anything. Do You know how much pure the intimacy is...if you don't know then read any religious holy books... the sex is the process of giving a birth of a new life of God. And look at you huh!!! God just waste his time on you.

(Ji Chang wook is so impressed by the unique knowledge of his lady. He also feel the words that it all hurts him so bad and pinch out his skin in guilt... he never thought he will also have to on his knee in front of someone. He never know that the pleasure game is so pure process. But now he understands the purity of it and now he only wanna feel it with her. Now he only want to make his soul pure again by touching her, by go into her, by inter-twin both souls in love)

JI CHANG WOOK: No baby... he just made me for you and made you for only me... and really you make me realize the purity of it. And now I wanna get the purity only with you. So let's give a chance to this love and let me inter twin my soul with you.

(He start walking to you and getting closer... you can see that he is not in him by his eyes..he is fully blank and just want you)

Y/N: j-Jonathan don-t come cl-closer. Are you out of your mind? I'm not gonna give you anything.

JI CHANG WOOK: No baby.. pls give me the chance I will prove my love to you.

(He grab your hand and pull you and hug you tightly but you know men will be men as he start giving you wet start struggling but it's useless. you start crying like a kid)


(I stop my work when I hear her I a idiot or dump. I was really out of my mind that I start doing the wrong thing again. I again start feeling guilty and shamefull. I tightly hug her and patting her head. Hearing her crying sound tears also come to the border of my eyes. First time I see a girl start crying in fear of sex....maybe all normal girls are like this. Her cries is like a child and I love it.)

JI CHANG WOOK: sh!shh! I'm-I'm really sorry y/n. you can slap me. I'm sorry...sorry that I couldn't protect you from my beast side. forgive me please.

Y/N: please let me go...please get out from the room.

JI CHANG WOOK: NONO can give me any other punishment but pls don't distance me from you. I'm not that strong like you..I'll die if I detach from you.

(he start begging you on his knees. He realize that some people also might be begging to him like that, and now he is begging to his queen)

Y/N: what about me? huh!! I'm also dead because you also detach me from my parents.

(he don't utter a word just listening carefully)

JI CHANG WOOK: I'm sorry y/n...
JI CHANG WOOK: then what can I do for you?
Y/N: let me go to my house to my parents.
JI CHANG WOOK: what!!! No I'm ready to give everything but not giving you back to your parents. Don't forget you are married. And women should live with there husband in their house because every women are belong to their husband from birth like you.
Y/N: shut up. Let me go I wanna go home. I don't wanna live with you.
(I scream to him in anger with puffy red teary eyes)
(The raw obsession can be clearly recognized through the word of him...he also scream and his deep voice scratches the room wall. His determination of making you his is high.)

Y/N: I've never thought that you will be like that. You also like the other man's who only need pleasure. You know actually you all mans are too much impure like you like to fuck other woman and make the relationship with them, but you all need a clean pure woman. Huh!!! Always remember MR. Ji CHANG WOOK YOU DONT EVEN DESERVE ME.

(Today finally I can't fight with her because she is too much pure for me. She is too much truthful for me. I can't contact my eyes with her. But I just wanna claim her as mine so bad. She can kill me but I'm not gonna let her leave me. She is my oxygen. I need her to live. She become my lifeline. But when she say that I don't deserve her it's make my heart blast in pain and anger. I can't control my self but somehow she is right she deserve better but now when she is in my cage, I definitely deserve her as well as she also. Though every time somewhere I feel guilt to see the big duo truthful eyes of her. But my obsession don't make my guilty win. I did the right thing to make her mine fully)

JI CHANG WOOK: but I marry you that's mean I'm enough to be deserving. No other man can give you that much secure life, deep love than me.

(How dare he is. I really don't deserve him.. idk why God tie my future with this busterd. I've to escape but if I then he will kill my parents and I'm not a athlete that I'll runaway so easily. His security is so tight. What should I do, why God me? I wanna die. I start loosing hope of getting freedom. My soul is slowly slowly dying. I lower my gaze as I don't wanna talk anymore and start ignoring him)

(You both stop and he get out from the room and you start crying to knowing that you can't runaway anymore. But your heart is not accepting him though. You are in dilemma like both situation and feelings start cursing you mentally and physically but you can't do anything so you change your dress and decide to sleep)

Hey guys I hope you are happy with my every plot💜💜 pls let me know the thoughts of the plot in comment section 💐💐🥹 pls be patient with me. 🥰🥰

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