The Event

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JI CHANG WOOK: ok.. ok.. i will.

He finish his friendly talk with the owner of the voice which came from other side. Then he cut the call and run to the bedroom where y/n is still sleeping peacefully. He run to the bed and sit beside her lying body. He come closer and start inspecting the round sleeping face of her. He start noticing her every single thing in peaceful body.


How can be she that much beautiful without trying.

The most beautiful thing in her is the way she is breathing, slow and gentle . She has long straight hair which is scattered all over the bed. The wind of fan tingling the hair strings. The all over body is peacefully sleeping.

He come more close to her.

The eye lashes are so thin and long, it cute. My y/n is all over cute. My doll is unique. I will always protect her from every one. How could I waste my time to those sluts?!! But now I don't have to. I started feeling a foreign emotion towards her.

Suddenly a dark obsessive or you can say possessive self start shining through his eyes. The expression is enough to decode the word. He start calling her name with a most soft tone.

JI CHANG WOOK: doll!! Wake up. It morning. Doll!!

He start patting his hands on her head softly. If any other person seeing his this soft and gentle side, he will not gonna believe that this is the most dangerous and ruthless mafia in world. Its true love can change the person.

Y/n: mhmmm!!!

She start mumbling and rubbing her left eye and open the both slowly and see the face of the owner who make her life miserable. Seeing his eyes and smile, she flinch hard the memory start recalling in her head about yesterday night. She saw the most unreal self of him. She gasp and sit on bed quickly. Her eyes have a pure fear which is noticeable to him. He chuckles to see the childish behaviour of her.

JI CHANG WOOK: what happen sweetheart!! Why are scared?!!

With a concern face he asked her. She start nodded her head as no.

JI CHANG WOOK: do you want to drink tea or coffee?!!
Y/n: no i want to drink horlicks( baby drink)

Seeing her childish desire he become stunned. And then chuckle and nodding his head as yes.

How can she just being cute unintentionally. Seeing her baby self my heart skip beats. Foe some second i just again fall harder. If this way she want my life from me, ill give her without thinking.


Y/n start blushing!! Like she herself didn't realize the reaction she gave. Ji chang wook gets up from bed and run to the downstairs to the kitchen to make some horlicks. He is very happy cause first time she want something from him where she gets up and freshen up.

After sometime he come with a glass of horlicks and give it to her. She grabs the glass and slowly slowly start drunking.he start smiling to see her like that.

JI CHANG WOOK: drink carefully... its hot.


A foreign feeling start processing like i have never felt before. Many girls warm my bed...even they try to act cool with cigarettes and alcohol but here y/n is totally different. She don't even know how to kiss or what should we do after hug. Also y/n doesn't even smoke or drink ... she just live this drink.. she is totally childish and unique. And it is the main reason to tie her with me. This world is dangerous place for her only i can protect her. I only deserve her. She give zero effort to make me fall for her harder day by day. Actually the most dangerous thing is cuteness which can make any powerful man slave in love.

JI CHANG WOOK: ok listen!! I get a invitation from my one of my friend. And he want us to come.
Y/n: i..i don't wanna go.
JI CHANG WOOK: but why?
Y/N: i said I don't wanna go that's it.
JI CHANG WOOK: but you have to...i don't wanna hear NO. Get my point?!! And be ready in 30 minutes.

He literally scold her and get out from room with the thud sound of closing door. She lower her head and start crying again.

Why my life becomes like that?!!! Why do i have to obey him?!! If his that friend comes in the party!! What will happen.

I get up and open the cupboard to search a dress for the last she get a standard dress from it and wear it.

at last she get a standard dress from it and wear it

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Now it ok..its cover my all body part and look cute. I also tie my hair into two sides ponytails and use a lipbum when ji chang wook comes in to the room by open the door with crinkle sound on the knob.


i was busy to get ready and after I'm done, i go to the bedroom to check on het but when i enter the room my eyes meet her appearance which is so pure and cute. How can be she look so pretty... my heart start beating fast. Blood start flowing faster. Gradually i feel hot and hard but i gulp my saliva and stay calm. Her chubby figure gives me wild thoughts. i cant do anything right now i have to control myself but one kiss doesn't hurt.

He slowly reach to her and back hug her which is weird for her. She start struggling but his grip is more powerful so he just dig his face in her crook and start moaning like animal. The sound gives her a strange fear in her whole kody and soul. Her heart start paining in nervousness.

Y/N: leave me!!
Ji CHANG WOOK: uff why are you always push me?!! Accept me doll.
Y/N: no never.

The NO,what he never accept. His grip start being more tight on your stomach, he stare at your side face and say:

JI CHANG WOOK: you have to Doll. You have no other options cause i will make you mine by hook or crook. So accept me doll... i will give you everything happy life, luxury, love.

The mirror was the witness of the incident and there y/n can clearly see the expression of him while giving her the proposal. The crystal tear's reflects on the mirror but still he can't let her free.

Ji chang understands the situation and control himself and then kiss her cheeks and get out from room.

JI CHANG WOOK: meet me at the gate

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