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It's 3 days of y/n's periods and still she have to bare the pain. She all day laying down on the bed in pain...and as a woman who is forced to be a wife of a ruthless mafia, on her know it's much difficult to live. But she is strong enough to bare it because she know that some day she will won the war of get the freedom. Here ji Chang wook also living like a dead body, because he used to see his baby wife being talkative, charm full, power house of energy but now he seeing her being quite, low, not eating g anything, moaning in pain which gives him goosebumps.

we know its sound wierd that a MARCILESS mafia getting the goosebumps. Yes!! He can be MARCILESS, ruthless for the whole world but he can't for his love, his wife. He tries to make her eat something but she didn't and now he can't force her for anything in this situation. The both of y/n and ji Chang wook living without food...he barely can eat anything like her. Though they both sleep in one room but like a stranger.


I couldn't sleep these days. how do I when I see my love suffering from pain. She become quite, she become an another person. what should I do? she makes me overthinking about her situation. I can do anything but can't let her go or leave me. No she should accept her fate.

He used woman as a toy to get pleasure..even he used unique toys to made that more fun and pleasurable. But never try to feel or understand a woman in a proper can he? all the women he met are gold diggers or sluts who want him to ride on them. But y/n is totally different, she hate him, always stay away from him, always fight against him which make him more obsessed and possessive to make her his. One big thing is she totally change him into a caring man who really taking care of her in her periods.


I can't explain my situation in word...I'm a dead soul in a heavy body. I lost my whole existence and even I start hating myself. I'm feeling like I'm a dead person...I have no hunger, no sleep, no tears to cry, no hopes to live, now only one thing I want to be free. Yes that's true he is taking care of me like a ideal husband. I feel thankfull to him. I know that he also lost his hunger because I'm not eating but I really have 0 good feelings for him. I already stop my studies in mental pressure. He totally destroyed my life.

All day the whole house was in pin drop silent. ji Chang wook was in his work though he couldn't focus on it. Here y/n also in room fighting with her own mental health and physical health. it's night, ji Chang wook already come back home, being fresh he go to the kitchen and makes some food for her. He take all foods in a tray and go upstairs.


JI CHAH WOOK: DOLL!! get up I bring some food for you. and today you have to eat.

Y/N : no I don't want to.

JI CHANG WOOK: IF you don't then this pain will not go away. Come on baby let me feed you.

He put the tray on bed and come closer to you. and turning you to him.



the whole room become silent that his deep roaring scratching the wall..also make her flinch. but she stay strong and don't react.


Y/N: if you really care about me then you will never cage me, never force me.

ji chang wook come very close to you.

JI CHANG WOOK: I force you to live with me. do I ever force you for sex? or do I ever force you to bare my tortures? I love you y/n and as a lover I marry you and as a husband I cage you. Though I cage you, did I being careless to you?...never I everytime take care of
you like my queen. and I'll even though you don't want. Now come and eat.

He pulls you in his wide arms and set you like a baby and start feeding you. During the feeding his eyes not leaving hers.


YOU do t know y/n how much I'm psycho in love for you to yes I'm a psycho husband who wants his wife to make his. I'm a psychopath lover. I really have no problem to kill anyone in a marciless way to have her. Still you doesn't see my real self of possessiveness and psychoness. I don't wanna scares you. But if anything happen I'll have no problem to show you and whole world the real self.

He start smiling seeing his doll eating which gives him a immense relief. Now he can also eat peacefully. But he suddenly feel a warm feeling to see her child face with full of food. Though she didn't want to eat at first but you all know ji chnag wook has his own technique. He take her in his lap and cage her with both of his arms which are becomes tight by time. He start moaning or you can say roaring in overwhelm and squeezing her like he play with a chubby doll. Yes' she is his precious Doll.

He force me to eat the food. And truly I'm scared of his anger and i was hungry so i start eating. But after couple of time i sense something weird and that is ji chang wook don't even blink and stare at me constantly. His stare is not normal its something calm but scary. I can see his pupil stretch his eyes get wide and he take me to his lap and grab my body in his arms and his grip getting tighter. I can feel his soft deep moaning and squeezing my body. As a girl I can sense that he is overwhelmed in pleasure that he squeezes my body.

You try hard to get over his grip by stretching your hands to get the edge of bed. But his big arms are more powerful to again pull you to him. And this time he totally use his power to stop you. He still moaning and his moaning is enough for make you shiver. You heard male moaning in mobile but in reality a real man's deep moaning is the most dangerous part. You try hard to not make any sound that can trigger him more. He pulls you and sniffs your hair and......

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