Part 54

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While both man beating him mercilessly y/n and shin hye sun was in the room playing with the toy and chatting to maker her busy to not let her know the events is happening behind the walls.

JI CHANG WOOK: you gave my wife pain as a monster, i will give you death as a inhuman.

He start punching him constantly. The "wham" sound of the punch and the huffing sound of ji chang lungs is pronouncing. In other hand park seo smiling and plucking out the nails and he start screaming out of his lungs. Unlucky sound pronounced till the room where y/n was playing. The scream make her flinch and she get up from the bed.

JI CHANG WOOK: tch! Tch! Tch! This is nothing...lets make it more fun.

Park seo joon come with a sharp cutter...digging the cutter on his firm build muscle hand and start plucking out the skin.
The scene become more pitiful. Blood start oozing from everywhere. Lee jong's neck vain pop up due to screaming and pain but do they care? No!!!
Other hand y/n left the game and get up to see what happens. Shin hye resist her.

SHIN HYE: y/n come back look...your turn is coming...

Y/n don't even hear her voice...she start walking slowly towards the origin of the sound. The screaming helps her heart beats get faster. Gentle yet trembling step reach the peach cold floor of corridor. Shin hye try to hold her hand but y/n start running towards the dark room. Unfortunately the door of the room was open and it makes more easy to inspect the place... Shin Hye is also scared of the get failed in protecting y/n. If she get into the room it will be worst. Unfortunately y/n already get into the room...she just following the sound. Her step become slow to see the condition of the room. Sobbing comes out from her mouth.

Y/n: ji...chang?!! Where...are you?
Her voice can't be heard among all wild scream of those mans.

i walking through the passes where all types of instruments are collected. I don't know the uses of those but the room is much creepier than anything...all i want to reach the voice and finally i reach where i see two tall firm figured man beating another man... the man is tied and he is terribly harmed... everywhere is blood spot. His face is covered with red crimson blood. Two men are continuously beating him. The right one is hitting him with baseball bat which also coloured with blood. I cant even imagine the position. My heart skips beating. At that point i feel like im in hell. I have never seen this type of thing before.

She stand still but her trembling feet hit the knife which is putting on the floor. Suddenly both man look at the back and ji chang stop. Park seo joon stop in his way...the whole room is filled with vacant silent.

JI CHANG WOOK: y/n...w-what are you doing here?
PARK SEO JOON: dear.,, you!!!

Ji Chang shirt is filled with blood stain. Hands also have blood. Sweat makes his face sparkling. Both side panting hard in struggle. She start backing up. His face also filled with few blood lines. Y/n start crying loudly... right now she is the most traumatized and afraid person. She feeling helpless, insecure, confused, over excited. Her mind stop processing so she start running but ji chang and park seo also start chasing her.

I should be cautious about the protection. I can't focus is now only y/n. How she get into the room. She saw me killing him...what of she start hating me?!! What if she never ever come to me anymore?!! What if she leave me?!! I cant LET THIS HAPPEN NOT IN THIS LIFE TIME. She have to understand the reason of all those sins. I start chasing her.

A unknown madness can be seen in his eyes... the madness of seeing her or you can say the madness to acquiring the chance of loosing her. But he can't catch her cause she enter the bedroom and lock the door. Shin Hye feeling guilt, not to become successful at protecting her. Which make park seo joon angry... they both start arguing....

I should shut the door..... what should i do?!! She again getting traumatized badly... what if she take wrong step... no no no I can't let this happen to my sister. I love her so much.

Both man bagging the door and calling her name repeatedly... but without sobbing there is no sound... both man are devastated. Before her they never care about any other girl. But she has the power to make them love her madly. All guards trying to enter the room through the window but they are locked. Y/n is searching for a sharp thing to commit the suicide. She has no power to take this trauma anymore. She giving up.


Shin hye is crying and cursing herself.
At last being impatient ji chang shoot the door lock to open... in other hand y/n get success to find a sharp knife under the bed...ji chang took that for security. But now it becomes the most vicious weapon. She start cutting her soft skin without thinking. The skin divided in to two parts and the fresh red flesh start oozing. Opening the door ji chang get shock to see her face, hands, neck have cuts...

Y/n: don't come to you are a monster. You will kill me also...i have no power to control this trauma. Let me DIE.

JI CHANG WOOK: YOU CANT.....YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DIE. YOU HAVE LIVE WITH ME. FOR ME. Drip the knife..How dare you to touch what is mine. You are mine, if i said to live then you have to live. If you try to die then i will burn this world without any hesitation.

PARK SEO JOON: are you out of your mind?!! How dare you to do this.

Y/n: don't dare to come to me or else i will kill myself.

Ji chang wook quickly take the knife and throw it away. And cage her in his arms. And its normal she can't get over his tight hug.
Blood oozing from everywhere. He cant make this oozing stop everywhere but he notice neck is bleed so without thinking twice he start sucking her neck. A rich gasp out from her mouth and she start shaking. She start struggling. She's trying her best to get free from the position but his convulse is dense. Its not a advantage... if the blood doesn't stop, anything can happen to her which is unwanted to him. He start sucking her flowed blood and salivating it to make it stop. But what about the other places. He become confused and nervous other hand y/n start loosing clutch on her own body and about to faint.

"Y/n!!!y/n!!! Talk to me... you can't do this to me... wake up"

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