𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟕- 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬

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A.T: I've been posting a lot more, but I may be going into a semi-hiatus again in end of april - may :( also I'm trying to give Osiris character development 😂

After the long night encountered by Osiris and Seth, they slept in really late. Maut very confused on why his parents were acting so lovey dovey, he found out his father was staying at home for his mothers health and safety. Maut went back to Akela to tell her that he was leaving to train with Horus, so she could prepare breakfast for their parents and Akela gladly agreed.

Maut was nervous, he had always been known as a ''whore's son'' in front of his aunt Isis just because he came from a couple she envied. Today he had to go alone to his aunt Isis' house because his father was still asleep. Maut got ready and for a minute he realized how feminine his red hair looks and though how similar he was to his mother while he had the strength of his father. After pacing around for a while he decided to go and call Horus.

Maut nervously knocked on the door of his aunt's house, waiting for a reply. It was different, this time Hathor opened the door, she instantly recognized him because of his red hair and tried to smile but it just came out as another dirty look. ''Oh, Maut come in please!'' Hathor said, she seemed happy. Maut entered taking a seat while Hathor called Isis and Horus, Isis looked at him and instantly death glared at him, to which Maut lowered his gaze to, just what wrong had he committed? Isis walked up to Maut ''What do you want?'' she said in a rough voice ''I'd like to take your son for training, but father couldn't arrive because he has a important task at home, i apologize in advance for his disappearance, aunt'' Maut tried to be as sincere as possible but it somehow drove Isis further to the deep end. ''what do you mean? your father didn't go to his duties today? hah, pathetic.'' she scoffed the whole thing out. Maut sighed thinking if he should leave and save the embarrassment ''Aunt Isis, my father knows of his priorities he's just tired..'' Maut had a few tears dwelling his eyes. Isis scoffed and made Maut stare stare at her and she started to laugh ''why do you cry? scared your ''mom'' will die?!'' that was it. Maut rushed out Isis' house while Hathor and Horus just stared at him in guilt. Horus quickly got ready to go after Maut, but he wasn't in good shape so he had to get ready first.

Maut rushed off, tears rolling down his face, he was stopped when he felt a grip on his wrist he looked back only to see Anubis. ''A-Anubis?'' Maut said while wiping off his tears. ''What happened to you Maut?'' Anubis had worry in his voice. After a few moments they saw Horus running towards them. Anubis eyes Horus and then stared at Maut with worry in his eyes. ''M-Maut I am so sorry for what shameful things my mother directed towards you'' Horus said, getting a glare from Anubis. Anubis had always seen Isis as a good aunt but now he realized she was anything but that. ''It's fine, I mean you didn't say it Horus, it's not your fault I know aunt Isis had a reason to say that'' Maut tried his best to smile while saying that but it wasn't that easy. Maut looked at Anubis and smiled at him ''Anubis, me and Horus have to go training I'm fine.'' Maut stated while trying to get his wrist out of Anubis' grip. Anubis sighed before letting go, he hugged Maut before placing 2 fingers on Maut's forehead indicating goodluck to him and leaving. Horus watched this and realized how much his and Maut's connection had been ruined because of his mother.

While training for 2 hours, Maut explained why my mother was so scared because of Horus yesterday and what Hathor and Isis did to Seth. Horus stood in disbelief, how could they go so low?! Horus didn't even notice how 2 hours went by so quickly, he now felt bad for what he did to his step mother Seth yesterday, Maut checked the time and decided to bid his goodbye's but Horus had stopped him. ''is it alright if I hug you, Maut?'' Maut was taken aback at Horus' request but accepted it. As Horus came in contact Maut's body, he was shaken, he felt sparks all over his body. The sparks were way stronger than the time he had touched Seth, Horus acted as if nothing had happened and they bid their goodbyes.

As Maut got home, he saw Akela, his father and mother eating breakfast together after the longest time and his mother was smiling? Maut tried to remember the last time he saw his mother genuinely smiling. He walked up to them and joined them, of course he wasn't going to share what his aunt Isis had said to him today, she had her reasons. Osiris informed Maut that the war was settled to happen in 2 days. Maut nodded, he still had 2 days. After eating Maut had to go do his father's duties as he was staying at home taking care of his mother. 

Nothing special happened at work, Maut returned home at about 6:30pm, and his family seemed more connected than it ever was, Maut was happy but also tired. He greeted his parents and Akela and decided he was going to sleep without eating, it was then that he noticed that Anubis was sitting right next to them. Maut looked at Anubis as if telling him to not mention anything about this morning. To Maut's dismay Osiris told him to sit down, ''My son, as you only have 2 days left to train, Anubis will be helping you and Horus out.'' Osiris stated it, for some weird reason Maut felt unsure about Anubis joining them. Maut nodded ''Father, I am extremely tired, may I go to sleep?'' Maut was really tired and not in the mood to talk ''Sure, my son, but Anubis will be sleeping in your room, because Akela's is too small.'' Maut's eyes widened ''Father............why's Anubis staying here?'' Maut was now distressed ''He just want's to spend some time with family.'' Maut didn't believe one thing Osiris said but chose to not mind it. Maut got up and decided to go to his room only to find Anubis following him, Maut never took Anubis as anything other than a brother and this was weird. Maut entered his room opening the door for Anubis, ''I have to change my clothes, if your feeling sleepy please lay down I'll be back in a little while.'' Maut walked to one of the rooms changing his clothes, but little did he know someone was watching him the whole time. Maut returned to find Anubis already on one side of the bed, so he lay down on the other side. ''Maut, does my presence annoy you?'' Anubis asked out of the blue, ''No, Anubis it's just that we're basically polar opposites...'' Maut wasn't wrong, Anubis was a rough critique and always chose violence, his attitude went on Seth while Maut was a peaceful and calm person, he started out angry but he came to see that every action has a reason so he chose peace over violence. Maut knew that Anubis was in constant worry for him, but he didn't need Anubis' worry. Maut felt Anubis face towards Maut's back before sitting up on the bed, ''Maut, wear this necklace for me, please.'' Maut took the necklace from Anubis' hands, Anubis was wearing the same necklace, the necklace was made out of gold with a red jewel in the middle ''But why do you want me to wear this, and why is it red? not many necklaces in Egypt are red, Anubis?'' Anubis sighed ''It's for your safety, Maut, and I made it myself I also have one. I made it red because it reminds me of your hair and eyes.'' Maut understood his reason and put the necklace on, and then they both lay down once again. Anubis hugged Maut's waist from the back and both of them fell asleep.

____to be continued____

Maut [Seth x Osiris] [Seth x Horus]Where stories live. Discover now