𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏: 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐥? 𝐈𝐬𝐢𝐬?!

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This is from akela's pov

It's been a few years after that, such a long story, huh?

Maut, my brother, has meticulously prepared my life. I'm not complaining because these events are all a shambles. Maut's way is the only way I trust as a younger sister. It will never go wrong this way.
Such a ruckus has ensued as a result of my proclamation that I would become an accomplice to my brother, which is irritating. I hope they are all dead, especially my father. As the generation's future Goddess, my hands are covered with responsibility. After Nephthys, I am the only Goddess in this era.

Yes, we are already a God and a Goddess. We are adults now and we will have a fight with Horus in a few months.

Osiris cherishes me as his daughter, which I am grateful for. However, I loathe his existence in front of my mother. He failed as a husband to Isis and Seth, but not as a God or as a parent to me and Maut. Not to mention the fact that he failed Horus as a father. What about Anubis?   Since he only sees Seth as his father, Osiris is cast out as a father figure (even though Osiris is his biological father).

"Why are you so startled, Akela? Are you alright? Are you feeling okay?" Maut inquired, concerned. "Should we stop today?"
My mind instantly dawned on me. My head was a jumble of messes as I wandered around. Despite the fact that it has been a few years, this year has been a disaster. I studied the paper, which was dense with sentences describing the technique for defeating Horus. After all, it's not that simple; Maut requires a strategist and advisor, and I am that person.

"No," I said. "Let's continue. Look here, Maut. You do know Horus has wings, right?"

"Yes, I know. Horus's wings are a blessing gift from Ra,"

"... Not to forget, those wings defeated our mother, Maut. It will be difficult against him." 

Maut sighed, "I understand. In Egypt, his wings became a symbol of protection. Because Horus is flying with his wings, Mother utilizes his sand to assist in getting him into the air. Isn't it a little bit unfair?" 

"I concurred. So, let's start by injuring his wings.." 

Anubis interrupted our discussion just as Maut was ready to agree.

"No, that won't do, Akela," Anubis said and took the paper. "Did you both forget that he can also control the wind? This greatly aids him in the use of his wings and beats Seth's sand. Can't you imagine sand against the wind? I'm afraid not.." 

Maut and I are both very quiet. Well, Anubis is correct; he is the oldest of the siblings and knows a lot about what happened before we were born. I felt sorry for Anubis at times. Gosh, it's all because of Osiris. He merely had a pleasant childhood, but he never grew up to be a lovely adult. It's all thanks to the Egyptian gods.

"So, Anubis, what's your best suggestion?" I asked, my gaze fixed on Anubis.

"I heard one of you has fire ability? Who has it?"

Maut raises his hand, "It's me." 

"Ah, I'm not surprised anymore if you have it. You should use your fire when he uses his wind ability, Maut. How about you, Akela?" 

Maut [Seth x Osiris] [Seth x Horus]Where stories live. Discover now