Auberdine / Menethil Harbor

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A full moon hung  just above a snowy cliff over the Ocean, where I sat on the ledge.

"Reminds me of where we first met." I turned around and looked back at a man with untamable raven black hair, mesmerizing sea green eyes, and that signature grin that meant he was up to no good. He cracked a full smile and my heart did a little tap dance. He came and sat down next to me. I leaned my head on his shoulder. "I'm glad we found this place, Percy." He brought his hand to my chin. I didn't protest. We sat there in silence, and it felt like a perfect moment. He leaned in and whispered something I couldn't hear. I got lost in those sea green orbs. I could see his soul, the love, and the loss he felt within them. Our lips were about to meet.


"WAKEY WAKEY, ZOE!" Shandris yelled.

I just about fell out of the hammock I was sleeping in. I tried to hide the blush on my face. I stared at the floor. 'What's happening to me? What foul thing has this boy done to me? I've never been like this.' 

' Your thoughts betray your heart. You know he's not like the others. You've seen it first hand, and that challenges everything you've ever thought. You need to face your feelings. You. Want. Him.'

'No, I don't. He's just a boy.' 

'No, he's a man. The only one meant for you.'

'I can't blame Aphrodite for this. She has no reach in this world.' Maybe I do like him, I don't know. I'm so confused.

"Are you alright, Zoe? You've been looking off into space for a while now." I just nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay." 

I will say, I liked the Kaldorei culture, but their armor was a little too... revealing for me. I'm grateful for the gestures, but I've never really worn clothing or armor that well, uhhh, compliments my body. 

They gave me a dark blue set of leather armor that had silver embellishments throughout it. The torso exposed my mid drift, and it, well, made my chest look perkier. The leather gauntlets were about the same, as well as the boots which were thigh highs. I didn't appreciate the skirt, but it was a cute outfit. Despite this, I would prefer a more modest set of armor. My favorite part was the tiara. It was made out of a material called true silver, and in the middle of it laid a gem that resembled a full moon. 

The bow Shandris gave me was an old one. Of here it was made from a fallen Branch of Nordrassil,  and it was adorned with silver lines that ran up and down the bow. Lady Artemis would be jealous of its craftsmanship.

We had about a day left of sailing. I didn't go up on deck much because of the Male elves. I didn't want them looking at me. I soon had that fear vanish, though, as they didn't think of me that way, because, well, I was a child to them. A majority of them are married, and they take partners for life. Shandris told me the story of what happened during the 3rd War, how the Kaldorei sacrificed their immortality when the Eredar overlord Archimonde tried to destroy the world tree, only for Malfurion Stormrage to summon the horn of Cenarius to awaken the ancestral guardians. Thousands of wisps rose from the surrounding forests and amassed around Archimonde, detonating in a massive explosion that destroyed the demon warlock and incinerated the forests around the World Tree. Nature herself would not allow his defilement to occur. The world tree would heal over time, as nature does.

Being with the Kaldorei brought me a lot of comfort as I was coming to this world for a second chance. I hope there are other races that hold nature to be as precious as this race does. Shandris quickly became a close friend, and we would spend hours training on the ship. At times during my break, though, I'd look out at the Sea, breathe in the ocean breeze, and my thoughts would always be brought back to him.

"You're thinking about him again?" Shandris inquired. "Have you told him how you felt?" 

"No, we've been," Zoe hesitated, searching for the right words, "...separated for a very long time. I haven't seen him in years, and, anyways, he loved someone else, so what would've changed if I had?" 

"Is he with that person now?"

 I shook my head, "Well, he can't really be with her anymore because of this circumstance." 

"Then the only thing that's stopping you is you. Like I told you before, my young friend, you learn a lot in 10,000 years." 

It amazes me that their are mortal beings that dwarf the existence of the the Greek pantheon. 

"So, what will you do when you see him?" 

"I don't know. Slap him first, for sure ." We both laughed. 

"We should be there in a few hours. Get your rest, you're gonna need it, It's a long trek to Stormwind."

* later that day *

The Ship arrived in Menethil harbor, we gathered our belongings, and headed to the nearest inn for the night. The closest inn was called the "Deepwater Tavern". We walked in to see a mixture of races all singing, dancing, and drinking like there was nothing wrong in Azeroth. Shandris and I found a table and ordered some food when some drunk guy came to to hit on me.

"By the light, wench, you're beautiful. If I buy you a drink, will you keep me warm tonight?" I clenched my fist and scowled. 'I guess it doesn't matter if it's in my world or not, there are still pigs like this in it.'

Shandris noticed how angry I was getting, especially when the man put his filthy hands my shoulder. I turned and swiftly punched him in the groin, ending with a judo flip through our table, thus breaking it and ruining our meal. I took my bow and knocked an arrow, pointing it at his head.

"You don't ever EVER put your hands on a maiden like that. I've killed men for less." The man gulped and I let him get up.

 "BITCH!" He shouted and started to run, but Shandris cut him off with a roundhouse kick into another table. As a result of this, a huge fight broke out.

The Bartender, who was a Dwarf with a long red beard and no hair, came to us. He spoke with the thickest Scottish accent I've ever heard. "Aye we best be gettin' ye lassies to yer bedroom. Ye've kicked the hornets nest, but don't ye worry, lass, it's like this evry nigh'," he said, laughing boisterously. I looked back to see a gnome get tossed across the room by a woman.

We made our way to our room and settled in for bed. 

"First thing in the morning we leave to find your mate," she stated cheekily. I scowled in response. "He's not my mate," I said through gritted teeth. 

"Sure he isn't, Zoe."

When I turned away from her, I hugged my other pillows and smiled. 'Well, at least not yet he isn't." And with that, I fell into a dreamless sleep.


Hope you guys enjoy - Rook

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