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"Aurelius, you okay man?" I bent down over him, his face a little confused, as if he was still processing the hit. "Oohhhhhhh'' he moaned in pain. "Is he dead?". I laughed "Yeah buddy, we got him. Do you need some help?" I reached out my hand towards him. " Nah. I think I'm just... just gonna lay here for a minute." he groaned. Satorn, who was right behind me, bent down next to Aurelius. "You were very brave today, my young warrior.'' She put her hand on his cheek and his face flushed. Usually Aurelius would've had some offhand comment to make, but he stayed quiet. I noticed Satorn's hand starting to glow with a forest green aura, and the cuts on his forearms and on his face started to heal. "But please be more careful from now on, Aurelius." Satorn spoke in a low soft tone. You could tell he wasn't used to this kind of treatment with the way he nodded in silence.

Frogolir scoffed. "I charged the undead bastard too, and I ain't gettin' this treatment." Satorn rolled her eyes, turning her head to the dwarf. "Did you get sent flying through the air into a building?" she asked. Zeinnor looked to Commander Ebonlocke "I'm sorry about your losses today, it's a tragedy what damage this monster was able to cause." She looked down at the ground for a moment then looked back up, her eyes seething with anger "I'll have that hermit's head on a pike for this!". "If there is any way we can help you in the future, don't hesitate to reach out. In the meantime, we need to head back to Lakeshire." Zeinnor said, reaching out his hand to Ebonlocke. She accepted and shook his hand, before walking away to tend to the dead.

"By the way, what's the deal with the supplies?" I asked Zeinnor. His face turned into a frown, "It was all ruined. Armor and swords broken and bent by the battle that... thing, had with those worgen." He seemed to shudder when mentioning the monster. "Fuckin' hell, so this was all fer nothin'?" Frogolir said, clearly irritated. "I'm afraid so, my friend." Zeinnor clenched his fists. "I guess it wasn't a total loss though, we at least found Chester." "Yeah. Speaking of which, someone should probably go get him." I stated. No one said a word, and just kind of stared off into space. "Okay, I guess I'll go grab him." I said, heading into the Inn.

As I entered the room Chester had been in, I noticed him still sitting in the same corner he was when we left earlier. He had made it through 3 more books in that time it seemed, but what was weird was that it didn't seem like he had even moved. "Hey Chester, it's time to go, we're bringing you back to Lakeshire with us." He perked up as soon as I said Lakeshire, his eyes filled with a child like glee. "Lakeshire! I've never been there before, but I've heard that's where the Tower of Ilgalar is." I scratched my head "Uh, yeah sure! C'mon, we leave in 5 minutes. Oh, and mind the guards, they're all clumped up outside." "Really? Why is that?" I sat there a bit dumbfounded for a moment. "You're joking, right? You didn't hear any of that? Not even Aurelius getting slammed into a wall." Nope" Chester deadpanned, as he picked up his books and walked out of the room. 'The fuck.' I thought to myself, following him out of the room.


It was twilight by the time we returned. Us and the Darkshire Night watchmen climbed atop the hill, and the scene at Lakeshire was eventful. You could see the townsfolk boarding up buildings, putting women and children in wagons drawn by horses to Stormwind, the men in the town were arming themselves with any type of weapons they could find. Some had swords, lumber axes, clubs, or just planks of wood with nails in them. Some men were drinking a toast, knowing tonight might be the last time they would see one another, others joked and told stories from their youth, but the people that caught my eye were a bunch of tents with a large banner sticking out of the ground with a turquoise and gold jester hat fluttering in the wind, even though we were fighting a battle tomorrow you wouldn't be able to tell with how jovial our guild was acting.

We saw the other group Desmond, Zoe, Ein, Elrias, Laurelie, and some guy that looked like Rambo, sitting by a fire talking and laughing. Zeinnor broke into a sprint the moment he saw his wife, Laurelie. He shifted into cat form and sprinted off at her, tackling her in the process. She laughed a hearty laugh as she spoke "Really couldn't bear even just a day without me?". Zeinnor shifted back into his Elven form, chuckling as he responded "It was a long day, and I.." he trailed off for a moment, before looking back into her eyes "I just really missed you." She rubbed his bald head, before giving him a kiss "I missed you too, honey." The two stood up, still laughing as they brushed themselves off.

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