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                                        PERCYThe city of Stormwind was truly remarkable

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The city of Stormwind was truly remarkable. If Annabeth were here, she would be completely losing it. The entrance to the city had a massive gate that stood about 60ft high, and the walls of the city were made of a stone brick that as white as marble. The bridge that crossed a moat had statues of 5 heroes; 4 on each side, and one all the way at the end, facing the entrance to the bridge. Guards formed a line down the edges of the bridge. 

As I walked across, I noticed plaques at the bottom of each statue.

"Amazing, isn't huh Percy? All who enter the city must walk beneath the watchful eyes of the greatest heroes of our lands," said Aurelius.

I read each statue. 

The first statue on the left was a Dwarf lifting his hammer towards the sky. The plaque read,  "Kurdran Wildhammer, Thane of Aerie Peak"

The one across from him was an old man with a two-handed sword sheathed behind his back. "Force commander Danath Trollbane" 

To the right of him was a lady with Long ears. She had a bow in one hand and what looked like a hawk perched on her right arm.
"Ranger Captain Alleria Windrunner"

Across from her was a man who looked like a wizard. He had a staff in one hand, raised, and one arm behind his back.
"Archmage Khadgar of the Kirin Tor."

The statue at the end of the bridge was a man with a broken blade in his left hand and a book clutched in his right.
"High general of the Alliance Expedition, Turalyon."

"One day that'll be me, just like Turalyon. A street rat who became a legend, immortalized in the city for his deeds," Aurelius said, looking at the statue of the general with great admiration.

"Well, let's go get Percy his armor," Desmond said and hurried us along. The city was bustling, but there was an uneasiness in the air. I couldn't walk ten feet without getting stared at, and hearing people whispering things such as "Outlander" and  "I've never seen features like that." 

I caught people's attention; men for the way I was dressed, and women just leered at me. Some would greet me, but when I would try to introduce myself, they just giggled and walked away. 'That's weird,' I thought.

I asked Desmond why the citizens were on edge, and he said the king had been on a diplomatic mission to Kalimdor to negotiate with The Horde. He never came back, so his ten-year-old son took the throne with the help of his father's two advisors. 

The first was titled Reagent Lord Bolvar Fordragon, who was a very noble and respected Knight of the Silver Hand. Desmond's father had served with these knights. The second advisor was Lady Katrana Prestor, who Desmond described as a "Stuck up bitch." Aurelius laughed at the statement, seeming to agree with it. This wasn't the lone cause of the uneasiness, however. The Defias Brotherhood attacked citizens and ransacked settlements. They were the stonemasons who rebuilt Stormwind after it was destroyed in the 1st War when the Orcish horde invaded Azeroth. The Stormwind nobles didn't want to compensate the Stonemasons Guild with the gold they were owed. Consequently, the stonemasons caused a riot. The Queen tried keep the peace, but during the chaos a brick was thrown, which hit the Queen in the head and she died without much effort. With that, the Stonemasons Guild were labeled criminals.

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