Home is where the Hearthstone is

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The battle was over, and Redridge was safe for the time being. I wiggled my arm in the makeshift sling, attempting to get it comfortable. Even though it wasn't broken anymore, I was still trying to maintain appearances to not draw suspicion, though I was beginning to have second thoughts, this boar leather was causing me to chafe. I looked up at the ruined keep, now surrounded by scaffolding and piles of stone bricks. Gnomish engineers and Dwarven smiths stood around the keep, drawing up plans and talking about logistics, looking to soon rebuild the keep into a much better fortress than it once was.

"There you are! We've been looking all over for you!" Aurelius said to me, clamping his hand onto my bad shoulder. I flinched a bit from the pain, gritting my teeth quietly. "Oh, sorry man, forgot!" Aurelius laughed. "Can't you heal that thing fully though? You know, with your powers?" I sighed and looked over at him, his face bruised and bandaged from the battle last week. "Like I told you yesterday, I'm keeping my powers quiet for now, okay?" I gave him a smile and made a shush motion with my finger. "C'mon, let's go find Desmond or Satorn, it's about time for your daily healing session to help with your head." I wrapped my good arm around his neck and began to lead him to the town.

We managed to find Satorn on the other side of the bridge by the guilds camp. I waved to her, but looked behind me to see Aureliuss staring blankly at lake everstill like he was lost or something. I walked over to grab him, and noticed he was staring straight at the reflection of the sun on the water. I pulled him down the bridge to where Satorn was. She looked up at us with a smile, which quickly turned into a frown when she saw Aurelius. She grabbed the base of his chin with her light purple hands and sighed "You have been scratching your bandages again. How many times am I gonna have to tell you, if you want your wounds to heal you can't be messing with your bandages. Come on, we are going to the medical tent to fix them.... Again" She rolled her eyes as she pulled him off towards the medical tent, Aurelius going willfully with a big dumb smile on his bandaged face. I turned to leave them and was stopped by a small hand grasping my collar. "And where do you think you are going, Percy. I need to check on your shoulder daily too. You are both coming with me." Satorn marched us both into the medical tent and sat us down on wooden stools facing each other. She sat down in front of Aurelius first and took his bandage off.

It wasn"t a pretty image to see.The right side of his face had a large jagged gash running from his eye brow down to his chin. His right eye was swollen shut. His Lip was scabbed from where he had busted it during the fight. With the way he was getting lost and staring absent minded at stuff, I'm sure he had a concussion. I had heard about what had happened between Gath'ilzogg and him when I left. I frowned seeing his scarred face, it reminded me of Luke a little bit.

Satorn took out a rag and some rubbing alcohol "This is going to sting okay." she touched the rag to his face and he winced jerking back. "I told y-" "It's okay... It's a good hurt ." he grabbed her hand with the rag in it and brought it back to his face for her. I could see Satorns cheeks flush purple. 'Nice one Aurelius!' I thought to myself, though I doubt Desmond will be happy about this. She finished rewrapping the bandages on his face. " Now please stop playing with your bandages Aurelius."
"But if i do that it means I wont see you as often." he winked though with the bandages covering his face it looked like he was blinking. I laughed and Satorn rolled her eyes at him. "Okay there, lady killer, out of the stool it's time for me to look at Percy's shoulder."

I took off the sling, rolled up my sleeve, and removed the bandage pad to reveal the large bruise that rested on my shoulder. Satorn knelt down beside me to inspect the injury further. "Intriguing." She said, "Your shoulder has healed remarkably fast. Even considering healing magic, healing potions, and first aid, an injury like this would normally take a few weeks to heal." She tilted her head for a second, then looked up at me. "You aren't secretly a priest that can heal, are you?" I laughed a little, trying to hide the nervousness in my voice. "No, I guess Gath'illzogg just didn't get me as bad as we all thought he did."

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