The Showdown at Stonewatch Pt 1

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The Showdown At Stonewatch Keep PT1

As the sun rose into the sky, The Better Guild and the leadership of Lakeshire were gathered in the town hall. "So let's go over it once more. Keeshan, you are going to sneak your group in through the hidden passageways, and do what?" Magistrate Solomon looked at the Corporal with tired eyes. "Open the doors and wait for reinforcements."  Keeshan sighed. "Good, and?". Keeshan rolled his eyes. "And not rush the enemy by ourselves." There was a hint of disappointment in his voice. As good of a soldier he may have been, you could tell Keeshan lived for the thrill of the fight, a trait he shared with more than just a few Azerothian men. "Perfect." The Magistrate breathed a sigh of relief.

Laurelie muffled a snicker from across the table, covering her mouth so as to not spill the crumbs of her ration bar. Zeinnor stood straight up beside her, his arms crossed and a solemn expression on his face. "Zeinnor, you and your group will be attacking the tower. Our volunteers are ready, with orders to follow your command." The Bailiff said. "They all have bows or boomsticks, and hopefully enough ammo to last." "How many volunteers do we have?" I spoke up. "About four. Unfortunately all we could muster in these times. I gritted my teeth a little bit. "It will suffice then." I picked at the leather strap on my glove, staring at the map, memorizing any detail that might be necessary.

Perseus stood there silently, as if deep in thought, or not thinking at all just zoned out more than likely. I took a minute to look at him, I guess he took notice, because he met my gaze. I immediately broke it and looked back at the map on the table, fighting the urge to look back in his direction, and wondering if he was looking at me. 'What has gotten into me? I've never been this way before.' I shook my head and stared back at the map.

"Alright then, everything's set. Everyone has their order's, now let's drive those filthy mongrels out of our lands!" Conacher cheered. Everyone around the table met this with cheers of their own. We all walked outside, of the town hall, to see all the troops we had mustered for this assault. Maybe 30 to 40 people in total were here, armed with swords, shields, spears, bows, and guns, wearing anything from leather to plate armor.

As I looked over our army, Laurelie climbed onto a box next to me. "Citizens of Lakeshire!" Laurelie shouted in a commanding tone. "Members of The Better Guild, and any allies who have joined today to help us fight back these beasts, we thank you all! Today we free the human kingdoms from these beasts, and give Stonewatch Keep back to the people it belongs to! The Light is with us this day, for the Alliance, for The Better Guild, for Lakshire!" The crowd of would be soldiers cheered, followed by a thunderous applause. Laurelie stepped down from the box, her face dropping slightly. "Let's make sure any sacrifices today aren't in vain." she whispered to the rest of us. No one said a word, but everyone solemnly nodded in agreement, before separating off into their teams.

We made our way to Alther's Mill in about 15 minutes of walking. It was an old lumber mill that had been fortified with wooden barricades and spears, and watched over by 4 soldiers. As I looked around, I noticed some arrow's could be seen sticking out of the tops of the barricades. As I looked further ahead, I noticed where they were probably coming from. A large tower, maybe 24 meters tall, stood ahead of us in the distance, a small wall surrounded its lower portions.

"Stonewatch Tower I presume?" Satorn asked. "Looks like it." Zeinnor responded. A soldier rushed over to greet us. "Finally, you guys must be the invasion team!" the man struggled to keep his helmet straight, it seemed too big for his head. "No, we're here to kill you." Gadron Woodarrow said with a serious look. The soldier looked a bit shaken for a second before Gadron laughed a hearty laugh. "I'm kidding! Of course we're the invasion team!" He put his arm around the soldier's shoulder. The soldier laughed nervously, glancing over to Zeinnor.

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