Saving Corporal Keeshan (ZOE)

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As night fell over Redridge, the bug's in the area hummed to life in what sounded like a synchronized chirping. Cricket's, frog's, other native azerothian bug's that I had yet to learn about, all humming to life at dusk. As I knelt down on my perch, I could see the whole of the camp. Down below, what was maybe 6 meters, there were 2 large circle tent's, with one being surrounded by cage's. A small fire was lit in the center of it, just enough light to illuminate the further tent. I began counting, and sure enough, 10 orc's were within view, Elrias' exact count. As I viewed over what would soon be a battlefield, I noticed that two of the orc's were flanked by small little gremlin-like things with horns. Warlocks and their Imp's, annoying, foul magic users, that could be dangerous if you were on your own.

I looked over to my left, towards the camps entrance, just in time to see the last guard fall to Badshroud's blade's. The four members looked up at me, awaiting my signal to approach and execute the plan. I looked down and nodded at them, and then Badshroud and Elrias looked at each other, looked back at Laurelie and Desmond, and then vanished into thin air. About a minute passed before Lauralie and Desmond began making their way up the slope into the camp, the former having her shield raised up in front of her. As Laurelie got to the top of the slope, she shouted at the nearest guard, who drew his weapon in retaliation, and began to charge her. "SMITE" I heard Desmond say, his hand's glowing as if emitting fire light. The orc stumbled, before Laurelie bashed him with her shield, then slit his throat with her sword, and he fell to the ground lifeless. I glanced back over the camp and saw two more orc's beginning to make their way over.

The rest had clearly taken notice, but made no discernable effort to engage us in combat. "Arrogant bastard's." I muttered as I knocked an arrow. I began to aim at the orc that was charging them with the spear, but then out of the corner of my eye, I saw a new light source. One of the orc warlocks was wanting to get involved, it seems. I took aim at him, and said a quick prayer to my lady Artemis, before loosing the arrow. The arrow struck true, and the warlock fell to the ground, arrow sprouting from his eye socket, and out the other side of his head. As the orc fell, his Imp minion dissipated, turning into a green mist and disappearing into the night. I knocked another arrow, and aimed it at one of the spear wielder's in the middle of the camp. He stood up as I loosed it, and it knocked him to the ground, however only  for a moment. I knocked another arrow, and aimed at his head. The bow string made a swooshing noise as the arrow was loosed once more, this one striking the orc in his skull, felling him like the other.

As I began to take aim again, Laurelie charged through into two orcs. She slammed her shield into one's face, slashing at the other's leg, hamstringing him. She swung her sword again, and in one motion, cut down both at the same time. Meanwhile, Desmond was having a magic duel with the other warlock and his imp, hurling smites and fireballs at one another. I aimed and loosed my arrow at the imp, piercing it through its stomach, and sending it flying for about a meter. Desmond proceeded to hold out his hands, which began to burn a deep blue. "Burn" he muttered, before the energy disappeared. Within moments, the orc was engulfed in a blue mist that seemed to be leaving his body. The orc laughed at Desmond before trying to form another fire blast, only he couldn't. As he looked up confused, Desmond hit him with one last smite, before the warlock fell over, dead.

I loosed one more arrow at one of the remaining orc's with a shield in the back. It pierced through his throat, bringing him to the ground, blood gurgling from his mouth. Desmond quickly dealt with him, as I dropped from my perch on the rock. "Seems like I'm winning." Laurelie said, a smile on her face. "Oh yeah, and how do you figure that?" Desmond asked, wiping blood off his tunic. "Well, that's four kills for me, three for Zoe, and two for you." she stated cleaning off her sword. As I collected my arrow's, I realized what she had said. Unfortunately, my realization came too late. Laurelie howled in pain as a sword head spouted through her side, blood quickly covering her tunic. I quickly knocked and took aim at the orc that towered over her, dwarfing her by at least a quarter meter. Before I could loose my arrow into his skull, I heard Desmond yell out "PAIN!", His voice sounded different though, almost raspy, but soft. The orc's face twisted into that of absolute pain, however it quickly disappeared as my arrow left the bow and pierced his left eye.

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