Wanted Hogger: The Scourge Of Elwynn

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                                      3RD PERSON POV

The sounds of battle echoed through the western outskirts of Elwynn Forest. Swords clattered, shields splintered, and spears snapped. Our brave adventurers and a detachment of Stormwind guards battled Hogger and The Riverpaw pack, their blood soaking the green grass of the once peaceful forest.

Zoe Nightshade, the huntress, was perched in a tree, picking off the beasts one by one whilst her companion Percy fought alongside their new friends; Dominic doing his best to keep his allies standing as Desmond sent spell after spell at the enemies. 

Percy moved like water, slicing up Gnolls left and right with swift movements. However, Aurelius was a different story. The warrior wasn't his normal self. He fought with only one thing on his mind: vengeance. He fought like he was spawned from hell itself, and when his sword wouldn't slash through his enemy, he'd batter them to death with his shield.

"WHERE IS HE?! WHERE IS HOGGER?!" Aurelius yelled across the forest, pulling his shield out of the now caved-in Gnoll's face. 

He was surrounded in a thick red aura of unbridled rage as he charged his way through the beasts like a hot knife through butter and Percy in tow behind him with his water-like dexterity. 

"Aurelius! You need to chill out. You're being reckless!" Desmond shouted, hitting adversaries with his spells.

A loud Howl echoed through the forest, turning the heads of many. Atop a hill stood a Gnoll; one much larger than the others. The scourge of Elwynn had joined the battle. The warrior stomped his way towards the hill, ensuring that nothing or no one would stop him as he left a wake of carnage in his path.

His eyes were Shark-like as he attacked his prey, eyes white with rage, and armor and weapon coated in thick red blood. The two met at the top of the hill where the onslaught begin.

Hogger bore his axe down at the warrior who was dwarfed by the beast by about a foot more than himself. As he raised his shield, the axe sunk itself into the shield like a warm spoon in ice cream. The warrior tried swinging his sword in a wide arc, only for Hogger to catch his wrist with his beast hand. They weren't even at a stalemate at this point with Aurelius being at a severe disadvantage.

"You foolish boy. You cannot fight an opponent like him head-on!" Zoe yelled. 

She had now joined the others who were standing back to back at the base of the hill to keep the rest of the Riverpaw pack at bay. Percy tried to fight his way up the hill to Aurelius, but for every Gnoll he bested, it was as if four more appeared. Dominic couldn't get to Aurelius to heal him due to the guard detachment from Stormwind suffering heavy losses, so his main priority was keeping the guards alive.

As if things couldn't get any worse, the leader of the Riverpaw pack bared his fangs and lunged at the warrior's neck. Aurelius moved his head just in time, but the fangs sunk into chain mail into his shoulder. 

"AAAHHH!" The warrior let out a wail of agony. 

He stomped on the Gnolls foot with a sickening crunch. The Gnoll released him and howled in pain, which was followed by a headbutt from Aurelius, who dropped his sword and shield in one swift motion, and tackled the beast down the back of the hill, away from the party. As they rolled, Aurelius' head hit a tree stump with just enough force to knock him out. 

The Gnoll, however, was still awake and was now angry beyond all comprehension. He searched with his eyes and found a discarded axe from one of his fallen packmates, immediately seizing the weapon. He grew a wide, blood soaked, snaggle-toothed grin on his face and let out a hyenic laugh as he taunted the warrior, "Your skin will make a nice tent!" He limped his way towards a now vulnerable Aurelius.

"No! Aurelius!" Desmond yelled, but no one could get to them in time.

The party was too overwhelmed by the sheer number of Gnolls. Percy looked at Zoe and gave her a soft expression. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it. They traveled upward in a triangle, with Desmond at the top of the hill. Meanwhile, at the base of the hill, Hogger held Aurelius by his throat, who was now in a daze and about to meet his end .

"RAAAA!" A loud roar, much like a cougar's, was heard from the surrounding forest.

A blue cat came from the brush and tackled Hogger to the ground, his grip on Aurelius weakening and allowing him to fall to the ground with him. A loud horn sounded through the forest, and out of the woods appeared a group of almost 30 people charging to join the battle.


A man with hair like broccoli came running through the forest to the group, while a bear ran toward Dominic to help fend off the Riverpaw pack surrounding the injured guards. It felt like only a matter of seconds had passed, and yet the Gnolls were retreating back into the forest. At least half of the motley crew of adventurers split and hunted after the retreating Gnolls, not letting up the pressure of the attack. 

Only one goal was had: purge the Riverpaw pack from Elwynn. 

Hogger was now on the ground, surrounded by an odd-looking blue cat, similar to a cougar, a man with broccoli hair, and what looked to be a warlock and his imp. With the enemy taken care of, the blue cat transformed into a Night Elf with pupil-less black eyes, like a dark abyss, and night-touched skin adorned with tattoos.

                               - OLYMPUS-
                                    3rd POV

Meanwhile on Olympus, every weekend the council would get together with the remaining 7 and the other Demigods and watch the adventures of Percy in Azeroth. Chaos had set it up to where they could watch the son of Poseidon, Percy, and Zoe the Huntress on Hephaestus T.V. every week. The 'show', I guess you could call it, quickly became a 'hit.' Some demigods and certain gods and goddesses started to develop their 'OTPs' (One True Pairings), like 'Perzoe' 'Desmaurelius', 'Perdesma', 'Peraurelius', and 'Shrandelius', to name a few.

On the other hand,  a certain Goddess of the Hunt and Daughter of Athena were not happy. The group sat in the throne room after the last 'episode' where Zoe and Percy looked like they were about to kiss.

"That disgusting boy touches Zoe, I might just ask Chaos to send me there so I can castrate him myself!" Artemis jeered.

Annabeth glared at her. "What are you talking about? It's clear that that whore is moving in on my Seaweed brain!" She scoffed.

"Watch how you speak about Zoe, girl, or-"

"You will not do a thing to my Daughter!" Athena yelled

Aphrodite laughed at the exchange. She wore a white  shirt with 'PerZoe' printed across the front with the 'PER' part being printed in water while the 'ZOE' part was printed with the colors of the night sky, sprinkled with stars.

"They are so cute together," The goddess of love squealed.

Poseidon buried his head in his hands and sighed, "Why is it always him?"

Zeus, on the other hand, was as happy as ever. Not having to worry about a certain demigod, his kids were now the strongest demigods in the pantheon. Ares sat on his throne, just as happy as Zeus after watching the battle. 

"I want to adopt that Aurelius kid. He would make a fine son of Ares."

Hephaestus rolled his eyes, and Hera couldn't care any less about the whole ordeal. The others looked worried with how abruptly the story ended, and a kind of disappointment washed over them. Still, the demigods were happy that their friends were saved by that group of passing adventurers. Apollo and Hermes loved watching their cousin in this new world. Dionysus- well, he's Dionysus. We all know how that is.

I know it's kind of a weird chapter guys hope you enjoy

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