Back on Olympus 3RD POV

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The room was silent as the screen in front of them faded into a fog. For a moment, it seemed like you could hear a pin drop. Aphrodite was the first to break the silence "Okay but Keeshan is hot." "Mooooooom!!" Piper hid her face in her hands. "That's your main takeaway from what we just watched?" "Yeahh!" Leo agreed energetically. "Not that Percy could die here, or one of his other new, kinda handsome friends could also be severely disfigured, or killed even?" Piper punched him in the arm. The viewing room, that had been made by Hephaestus, was filled with the usual suspects. Nico, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Piper, Jason, Thalia, Sally Blofis, her husband Paul, and Annabeth all lined the front row. Poseidon, Hephaestus, Ares, Aphrodite, Athena, Hermes, Hestia, Artemis, and Apollo were all scattered throughout the rows of seats behind them.

As everyone in the room chuckled at the exchange, Piper's gaze eventually fell onto a daughter of Athena who had a downcast expression on her face. Piper approached the blonde demigod, putting a soft hand on her shoulder. "How are you holding up Annabeth?" She asked  with a small smile. Annabeth took a deep breath. "It isn't fair at all, he should be here with me, not with any of them!" she spat.  I know it isn't fair, and I bet Percy feels the same, no matter what you know he loved you, but even he would not wanna see you like this." the daughter of Aphrodite gestured to Annabeth. "You're not eating right, you barely sleep and you aren't taking care of yourself. We're all worried about you." The more Piper described Annabeth's current state the demigoddess started to tear up. "I know Piper, Its just be-"

Just then the screen flickered back on and it showed Percy standing next to that boy Aurelius

"I don't like that boy." Artemis sneered. Her twin, the God Apollo replied "Uh sis, you don't like any boy?" you could tell it was stated but it was almost like he asked a question.

"I think he's a badass. He'd be an awesome son of war!" Ares said, Frank cringed a little.

Aphrodite followed "He's such a Chad I mean look at the jawline its like a fucking sledgehammer!" as she gazed dreamily at the paused screen. " Mom, first please don't use the word 'Chad', and second, he'is sixteen... that's creepy...'' Piper sighed.

"Everyone shut up!!!" Annabeth yelled angrily

"So? Your home, what was it like... you know,  since you're not even from this universe.." The chainmail clad boy asked. Percy smiled wistfully. "Man, where do i start?"

"Tell me about your family or your friends?" Aurelius nudged his arm

Percy looked out at the lake.

"Are you okay with me talking about my mom?" he paused. Aurelius nodded. "The dock is all yours my friend." he spread his arm wide and bowed. Percy rolled his eyes.

"My mom is the most amazing person I think I've ever met, she sacrificed so much for me, including all the trouble I caused as a kid, but no matter how badly I messed up she never got mad at me or yelled. I remember when I'd get in trouble at school she'd never ask me about what I did, only wanted to know how I was doing." Aurelius smiled hearing Percy talk about his own mother in such high regard. " She sounds like an amazing woman." Aurelius looked at the sky. " I wish I could meet her." Percy chuckled, "She'd probably make you a whole stack of blue pancakes." Aurelius smiled, before his face turned to confusion. "The fuck is a pancake?"

Sally teared up at this exchange. Paul clutched her hand in his as he leaned over to hug her. "I probably would." She chuckled through tears.

Percy laughed before going on. "Maybe you'll find out one day." He stared off to the water for a moment, as if his thoughts were being swept away by the still waters.

"What about your father?" Aurelius asked. "You haven't really mentioned him much at all. He isn't dead is he?"

"My dad's... an interesting case. He's a god. Like an actual god, the god of the seas, and well, all water really.

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