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wilhelm x simon

"Simon, can we get a puppy?" He heard Wille's voice trough his earphones, asking the same thing for the fifth time today, and it was only 1 pm yet. He loved Wille; there was no doubt that he did. Even though he wasn't flawless and sometimes he could be annoying; but about this topic, he has managed to take it to a yet another level. He had to plug his ears and distract his mind with music; he just couldn't take it anymore.

Begging on his knees for a dog won't get him a dog. It really won't; Simon has already decided. It wasn't because he didn't want to make Wille happy and give him what he wished for, but they've just moved into their first house together. Home - which was actually a two bedroom, one bathroom apartment; they could've chosen some fancy, big house with a huge backyard, but they both wanted to be in control of their lives. They held their grips so firm; they refused to accept any money from the monarchy, and this is what they could afford from their budget. It wasn't much, but it was enough, though; being only nineteen and twenty years olds, still studying at university, they had their own house already. And they were together. Not so many other young couples like them could say the same about themselves. However; even if Simon just admitted that they were doing pretty good, he wasn't sure they could handle a dog. Especially not a puppy, which needed even more attention, due to the potty-training, all the vaccinations, and every other things Simon didn't even dare to think of. They didn't have that much free time with school.

Of course; Wille promised everything. He would take care of it, all alone. He would do all the tasks; feed it, take it to walks on a regular basis, play with it, bath it - he would swear to bring down the stars from the sky just to convince Simon to get him a dog. But Simon knew it wasn't as easy as it sounded.

"Having a dog is a huge responsibility, Wille," he sighed, tired of having to tell him the same things each time.

"I'm the Crown Prince, I have enough responsibility!" He whined as a five year old. Simon didn't know if he should roll his eyes or chuckle, because his behaviour didn't match up to what he was saying to prove himself in Simon's eyes.

"Not for a dog," he answered with a shrug, making Wille groan in annoyance.

"I'm going to divorce," he mumbled before storming out to their shared bedroom. Simon let the smile he tried to hide for so long curl up on his lips.

"You'll have to marry me first, babe," he reminded teasingly, leaning his head back on the couch and closing his eyes, selfishly enjoying his short period of peace, hoping Wille won't interrupt his relax for at least ten more minutes...

Remember how Simon declared only three days ago that begging won't lead Wille anywhere? Well, he began to rethink his own choice of words, because he wasn't sure he could keep living his life that way. What Wille was doing over the dog-question - which Simon somehow still claimed that wasn't a question - has stepped over the line of annoying, and became pathetic. He either refused to talk to Simon, or if he did, he only spoke about the dog - which they, in fact, didn't have.

Simon didn't want to give up so easily; it only has been going on for two weeks yet, but he knew he'd go crazy if he had to listen this for two more. To be frank, surviving tomorrow sounded much. It was mission impossible, the suicide version, basically.

He ran out of reasons, too. Wille didn't care about his points, so Simon stopped sharing them. Their converstation recently sounded like this;

"Let's buy a dog!"

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