HIII !!!

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finally got some time to read all your comments, you guys wrote so many things omggg thank you for sharing your opinions! it was so nice to read all, i tried to answer everything i could.

i honestly feel so bad for not updating. i'm sick rn, BUUUT i'll try to finish the chapter i've been working on (for literal ages). spoiler alert - it has nothing to do with season 3, it'll be long as heeellll and you'll cry a lot 😃 (i mean it, it's worse than 'make your pain mine' 😭)
idk how much more oneshots i'll write with them honestly, bc season 3 was kind of a disappointment for me:( but you're getting this one i prooomise

until, there's a few of my thoughts of the final ending;

okay so first things first season 3 overall:

i think it was an okay season, it wasn't the best & definitely not my favourite (nothing will top the 1st) but it was good.
it didn't really have much YR vibes until the 5th episode but i'm saying this as if i liked the 1st season until the 4th episode.
i wish there were more wilmon moments, i mean we had plenty but it was too focused on the story-line, not their relationship.
i cried a lot but i cry because of everything so this doesn't mean much.
the communication is the most important thing for me, and we have barely got any in this season which upsets me more than anything.

and now, my random opinions over random things:

this one really makes me mad because i fell in love with the idea of them & we barely even got content with them???
sure they kissed in the last episode OKAY BUT I WANTED TO KNOW HOW THEY GOT THERE???
also they started something with stella & rosh for NOTHING??? it was unneccessary. completely.

•august (in general): at first i hated the idea that he'll be forgiven or just 'not hated' lmao, but now i kinda wish he & wille truly made up
august fucked up but wille has gotten so many 'second' chances, it's kind of unfair. it's clear he regretted, & he tried to make it right (on his own fucked up ways), i wish him & wille would've communicated better

•sara (in general): she had betrayed her brother & her best friend
& she barely even did anything, literally the bare minimum & she was forgiven
i mean ok, i would've done the same in Simon's place, but it still makes me a little bit mad

•sara & august: i mean they would've been perfect for each other but breaking them up makes sense & i'm happy that their relationship wasn't "normalised" in the end

•wille & simon: OH BOI WHERE DO I START
y'all will hate me for this one but i loved wille's outburst in episode 5 - that boy went through so much & his feelings were overlooked in the WHOLE series. it was about time for him to truly speak up for himself
i didn't like simon's reaction tho, i mean i get it, it's hard for him as well (especially bc of the stuff with his dad) but if we think it through he wasn't ever really there for wille (saying it as a former simon stan like for 2 years i've been defending him)
they tried to make it seem like through the screen that they are so deep in love, but we couldn't see much of it. i mean, they liked each other, alright, they dated. but they didn't seem to be so deep in love. i wish they could've gotten more screen time & we had more wilmon scenes, because like this - giving up on the crown seems like a sudden decision of a reckless teenager.

•the storyline: why was this drama around hillerska needed? really, someone explain to me bc i can't understand. the ending would've been JUST the same if they left it out & they could've put the focus on the things that REALLY mattered (wilmon, since the series is about them???) but nooo. it took over the entire season.

any of your thoughts changed since the last time i asked?


i'm so obsessed with the series 'Euphoria' (i have been for 2,5 years but at this point i can't supress it anymore lol)

would any of you be interested in oneshots about that? (most likely Jules tho, i love her sm) obviously not in this book but in a new one? i know the YR and the Euphoria fandom isn't really similar, i'm just curious.

Love you guys, thank you for the support<3

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