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WARNING; this chapter contains: smut; mentions of sex, handjob, blowjob; mentions of anxiety, stress; slightest mentions ever of loss/death of a loved one

starter notes: hey! i just wanted to double-warn you guys that this chapter does contains smut. it's nothing hardcore, or anything, but if you aren't comfortable with that OR you're underaged, you probably shouldn't read this, (or pay attention and be alert - a lot of part of it doesn't contain smut, it's a hella long chapter) also, if you know me irl - after this chapter; no, you don't. to everyone who stayed to read; be aware that this is my first real attempt with writing smut, so don't expect too much from it! hope you'll still enjoy it tho <3


wilhelm x simon


Simon wasn't a morning person - Wille was aware - especially not when he spent the whole night up, and didn't get any proper sleep until 3 am. But in Wille's defense; Simon didn't object last night either, he was probably just as much into the things they did, as the prince. There was no one to blame, but their hormones - they were teenagers, for fuck's sake - and the time they were forced to spend apart. If his grades drops, Wille's just going to make an another statement against the monarchy. What's the worst that could turn out of it? It was just a game, and this time, he was in charge of the next choices. Honestly, all the monarchy had against him now, was August; he files one report, and August is done for good. Not only done; out of the royal family, and they are left with no heir. They needed Wilhelm, more than Wilhelm ever needed them. It was fun, once he saw it all clearly. He had power over them; over the monarchy, and they were scared of him; whatever step he takes next. He felt like a maniac for enjoying the situation so badly, but he couldn't help it. They're finally getting their well deserved payback for ruining his life.

Even though his life was very well fixed now - Simon was laying beside him, on his bed, naked (except his boxer shorts) snoring peacefully into the sheets; could Wille ask for anything better? - he still couldn't and won't forgive them for separating him from his love for so long. He wouldn't wish that kind of pain for his worst enemy - not even August. Fine, maybe August, but only because he was still angry at him. Furious. He didn't think he'd ever find peace with him or the situation he put him - them - into. He'll never get over hating him, not once he gets older. That's a decision already made. August could beg on his fucking knees, there's no way Wille would ever put any trust into him again.  In his eyes, August is no longer part of his family, and once he'll be the king, he'll kick him out officially. He'll make a public statement about it, even, just to humiliate him in the same way he was humiliated the second that scandalous video was posted. August deserves a fucking revenge, and Wille will make sure that he gets it right. God, he was a maniac - but he had his reasons.

It sounds dramatic, and maybe he was being dramatic, but Chrismas break was literal hell for him. No contact with Simon - he tried to text him, but the boy never replied to his messages - all alone in the palace with his parents, and without Erik. It was his first Christmas without Erik, and his parents brought his name up way too much against him, he almost lost his mind. "Erik would've never let this to happen; Erik would always put the monarchy first, stop being so selfish; Erik wouldn't be proud of you" - the last one hurt the worst, it left a permanent scar on his heart, even though he knew it wasn't true. Erik always supported him and wanted him to be his own person. He would be very happy if he knew about Simon. Not just happy; proud, even, and he would support their relationship, unlikely to his mother. And no, he didn't care that the whole situation would be completely different if he wasn't the fucking Crown Prince of fucking Sweden. He felt betrayed and let down - not by the Royal Court, but his own family. His mother didn't put him first, never in his sixteen years of life. She hid behind her duties as if being the Queen was a good excuse for not being a mother for her children. They, - her kids, Erik and Wille - their feelings and comfort should've been more important to her than the crown, at least once in a while. They called themselves a family, but they couldn't be any further from that title. Wille's only family was Simon now, that Erik left - and he won't give up his family for the sake of the monarchy. It was a lie, anyways. Everything connected to royality, was a fucking lie; all his life was, and he was sick of it. He finally had enough. From now on, they are playing by his rules.

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