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( Henry being in the wrong place at the wrong time, as usual - but something good turns out of it )


henry & stella


When Henry found Stella, crying on the library's floor, all alone, he had no idea what to do. Should he act like he saw nothing, and just leave, like he wasn't even there? Should he walk up and sit down next to her in case she wants to talk to somebody? Should he call her friends? They surely could deal with her better, but it didn't feel right. Stella wouldn't be hiding in the library if she wanted them to know. And he couldn't just leave her there in that state, either, so he was left with option number two; sit down, act chill, and wait for her to say something.

It was awkward. They weren't friends - they were basically, the opposite of that - and apparently, Henry wasn't good at making friends. It seemed like he had a lot out of them, but he wouldn't call those homophobic, stupid egoists, who found it funny to bully younger kids, his friends. Fine, he was hanging out with them all the time, but only because there was no one else. Except Valter, but he couldn't spend all his time with Valter, either. They had a life apart each other.

He tried to befriend Wille and Simon - they were the only normal ones of the guys (except Valter, of course) - but they seemed to have a lot on their plates at the moment, they didn't even notice Henry's intentions. He tried to befriend Maddy, but she thinks every boy in their school is possessed by an evil spirit and needs purification - well, Henry didn't know what it exactly meant, but there was no way he'd agree to do it, whatever it was. She probably just said this to scare him away, anyways. Felice didn't really notice his existence, no matter how hard he tried, Sara just simply didn't care... Surprisingly, Fredrika was actually nice to him. They have been talking for a while, but Henry wouldn't call them 'friends'. Their topics were always about school, nothing personal. And then, of course, there was Stella - who was the meanest towards him out of everyone. Henry had no clue what he did to deserve it. I mean, he was never rude, or disrespectful, or anything. Still, Stella treated him like an enemy. It was enough for him to look at her, and he already received the death glares from the blonde girl.

It was definitely a bad idea to sit next to her. She'll probably send him away, or just stare at him until he leaves on his own.

"Are you okay?" He asked awkwardly after a couple of minutes passed with the silence remaining between them.

"She found out," was all she could say before the sobs she tried to bit back broke out of her. She was crying without control or shame. And that was the moment when Henry's brain completely stopped working; there he was, sitting in the floor of the empty library with this, girl who probably hated him, while she cried her heart out in front of him for something he didn't understand. Should he... Hug her? No, this wasn't a good idea; she was still her very same, Stella-self... But then, the girl put her head on his shoulder, and Henry had to do something to show her his support; that he's here with her, and he'll listen, whenever she's ready to talk. He carefully wrapped his arms around her; she melted into the hug immediately.

"What?" He let her cry for a few minutes, he didn't dare to speak until her sobs calmed a bit.

"She found out," Stella repeated, still not giving Henry a single clue of what happened.

"Who found out what?" It sounded such a rude question to just ask, but he had to, if he wanted to understand. He couldn't keep up a converstation about something he had no idea about.

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