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wilhelm x simon


Wilhelm was very clingy. It was an unbreakable fact, a statement I could make without having any remorse - because I knew it was 100% true. I'm the one who's experiencing it. I'm the one who he calls at 3 in the morning of the weekdays, just to tell that he loves me, because he's missing me at the moment; I'm the one who he hugs and kisses every second he gets a chance to; I'm the one who has to cuddle with him whenever he feels like to... It's not that I'm complaining. I'm very grateful for my relationship with the Crown Prince, I wouldn't change my position for anything; I just like to act like I would, in front of him. It's like an inside joke between us, and he gets it, he's playing along, too. Actually, he's the one who starts it, usually. He has his insecurities - everyone does - but he learned to separate jokes from serious comments. It would probably weird for others after everything we went trough, but we stopped caring about people's opinion a long time ago.

His whole clinginess started around two months after he officially announced our relationship out in public. It was a completely new situation for the both of us, honestly, everything we did ended up on the internet in the matter of seconds. He didn't know how to handle the pressure of the social media; I didn't know how to handle the new-coming fame, and his mother. We fought a lot. I maybe even broke up with him right after his mom brought up Erik in their casual, daily fight (he hated when his name got mentioned around any negativity), and he might've also took his frustration out by constantly yelling at me for the smallest things that has happened for like, a week, so I consider us even... These weren't our finest moments, but we were under a lot of pressure, and eventually it got sorted out, so it's fine.

Especially now, that we are here, laying on his bed in each other's arms, skipping classes. That's something we definitely shouldn't do, but his highness wasn't in the mood for math - I mean, who is - and he insisted - begged - that I have to keep him in company... And let's be for real; who am I to say no to the future King of Sweden?

"I'm hot," he randomly announced, and I couldn't really do anything else than to nod to show my agreement.

"Yes, you are," I said.

"No I mean, I feel hot," he whined, not making his situation any better. He started to move around, I let go of his waist - I liked to hold him by his waist; it was intimate, but not too much for our simple, innocent cuddles - and he kicked the blanket off of us. It would've been so much easier if he just used his hands... But Wille, of course, couldn't do it in the logical way. He was too lazy for that.

"What if I feel cold?" I mocked his voice, but he didn't seem bothered by it. He probably got used to my teasing by now, just like I was used to him being needy.

"I'll warm you up," he flashed me one of those adorable smiles of his that makes me want to kiss him until our lips go numb and all the air leaves our lungs. He knew it was coming, I could see it on his face that he was waiting for it. I gave him what he wanted; a small peck on the lips, and it was enough for him for now.

Sometimes, all he needed was to be able to hold me. At first, I found it weird, but I noticed that it actually calmed him down and gave his heart peace, so I let him. It's not like I wasn't enjoying every second we spent in each other's arms. For me, it didn't really matter who held who as long as we were together.

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