Chapter 5 Eve

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“You spoiled my plans you know,” I say, watching Sirus flinch at the sound of my voice. “I was going to work out some of my issues with Marcus here, but you seem to have beaten me to it.” Sirus turns slowly and looks at me. He looks like shit. His protruding cheekbones tell me the idiot is starving himself again, as another self-imposed punishment. He’s looking more unhinged than usual. I sigh. “Come on Daddy-o, walk with me.” He cocks his head confused, but trails after me like a loyal puppy leaving the cell door unlocked. It’s not like Marcus can go anywhere anymore, or ever.

I lead us to the same spot we sat at to have bonding time, before they went on their bullshit mission, and I gesture for him to sit, plonking myself opposite him.

“You’re a dick, you know that, right?” I say. He purses his lips but says nothing. “The last time we were here, you were dear Johning me without me even knowing. You were tying up loose ends because you thought you weren’t coming back. You didn’t trust me enough and fell into the very trap we were trying to avoid. From now on you are open and honest with me, or my creativity of your punishment will outshine your masterpiece with Marcus. You get me?” He nods. “I get why you thought you had to do it. But communication could have cleared that all up. Tobias had to knock you out because you would rather have died, than return without Reece.” I clock him in the jaw, snapping his head to the side. “What part of ‘I need my Dad’ did you not fucking understand! I could have lost both of you! You’re so fucking stupid!” I’m screeching in his face now, as I thump his chest with my fists. He grabs my fists and pulls me to him, securing me in his arms as he holds me, shushing me gently and rocking me as I messy cry into his shirt. Fuck I’m sick of crying!

“I’m so sorry Eve. So sorry for all of it. I promised myself he would come home no matter what. We were so close, we got into his cell and we were trying to get the keys to unlock the manacles. Footsteps were coming and then Tobias knocked me out. He was right there, Eve. I nearly had him!” I sob harder, feeling his guilt eating at him. I shove him away and wipe my face.

“Never again! Don’t do that to me ever again! We are family. You can’t just abandon me to go on rogue missions. You can’t decide you know better than me, just because you’re an old fuck. Unfortunately for you, I give a shit about your well-being too. That means no big risks, at least none without me.” He holds his hands up in surrender.

“Ok Eve, no more secrets, communication lines are open, no more risks without you by my side,” He agrees.

“Right, now that that’s out of the way.” I offer him my wrist as he glares at me. “You kind of have to be alive to keep your promise,” I say shrugging. He grumbles at me, but accepts the offering, biting down and drinking in earnest. I watch as his features smooth out and his skin develops a healthier pallor. He retracts his fangs and wipes his mouth.

“Eve, I’ve been thinking-”

“That hasn’t really been a wise thing of late, has it? Are you sure you want to do that?” I butt in, his intimidating scowl making me laugh.

“Shut up smart ass and listen. That beast they summoned on the field, was in the cells with Reece and me. That orange circle he was in, was also present in the cells. He couldn’t step outside of it. I think he was an unwilling prisoner. ”

“I don’t even know what the fuck he is,” I tell Sirus. “Have you ever seen beings like that before?” He shakes his head. “Shit, we need to get our study on then,” I grump.

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