Chapter 10 Sirus

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I watch Lysario slam dishes around, still clearly pissed at me for handing over the letters.

“I get that you are pissed, but the day was already shot to shit. Easier to just get all the crap over with in one day and give them a clear path for the next day,” I say, raising my voice so it can be heard over the banging and crashing in the kitchen. I duck as a frying pan gets thrown my way.

“It wasn’t your call!” Ly snarls. “You all forget that you can’t just keep dropping it all on her. Eventually, something is going to give. What happens if you break her? What do we all do then?” It’s unusual to see him so aggressive. He’s usually the more placid of the bunch, anticipating Eve’s needs, her gentle one. I often forget he is a warrior in his own right and quite capable of holding his own. I really should stop antagonizing him.

“You’re just pissed you aren’t the one helping her through this mess.” I inwardly roll my eyes at myself. Apparently, I can’t help myself. Ly roars and throws a knife at me, which I just manage to avoid before his body collides with mine and his fist connects with my jaw. My body reacts instantly as my own fists start to pummel his body.

“What the fuck is going on!” Garret roars, pulling us apart. Eve and Darius come flying down the stairs, coming to a sudden stop as they take in the bruises and the blood from the hits we have landed on each other. Eve’s eyes narrow at us and then at the knife protruding from the wall.

“Are you two done? Got it out of your systems?” My head nods meekly and I see Lysario nodding from the corner of my eye. “Do I even want to know what it’s about?” We both stay silent, shuffling uncomfortably. Eve sighs. “If you two are ready to play nice, Darius says in his letter from Reece, it spoke of the prophecy a lot. We think we should relook at it and try to narrow down any future surprises.” I flinch, inwardly cringing. Jesus, the theories Reece and I came up with will make her head spin. Ly’s eyes narrow on me, he reads me like a book and knows I’m going to upset Eve again. He growls lowly.

“Eve don’t you think you have taken enough onboard today, maybe tomorrow we can all start fresh and give it the attention it deserves,” he suggests.

“Meh, the day has already been full of crap. I’d rather get it all over with today so tomorrow can hopefully be better,” she shrugs. Lysario glares at me and I grin. Nailed it! “I’ve already called the guys through the link, we just need to find Carino.”

“Present,” Carino calls out, coming in through the back door. “Is it just going to be us or the generals and proxies as well?”

“Since it’s strategies and hopefully shedding light on what’s to come, I suggest we go to the war room and get everyone to weigh in,” Garret suggests. We all nod in agreement. Many minds can look at many angles. We head to the war room, messaging on the phones or summoning through links, the men we need present.

It doesn’t take everyone long to convene, all bar Max, Darius’s Beta, who will arrive late from a recon mission. Just as well. I don't like the way he looks at my daughter. I take out the copy of the prophecy Reece and I had been working on. I clear my throat and read out the first two paragraphs of the poetic prophecy.

"Oh impure from the family tree, a twist of fate does decree, a ruler to rise, many in one, a wolf in disguise, fates game doth begun.

A woman, a warrior, a leader, a royal. A savior to come for those who are loyal. Many faces in one will have they, as souls answer the bonds calls and stay.”

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