Chapter 55 Reece

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Having Eve in my arms and Darius plastered to my back is heaven on earth. I never thought I could feel such inner peace and happiness until now. While the situation isn't completely ideal, it is as good as we could get it under the circumstances. There are no words for quite a while as we just hold each other. I can feel their minds struggling to make sense through our link and know soon the questions will come full force. But I want to just enjoy this moment with Eve a little bit longer. When Eve starts to shift in my arms restlessly, I know my time is up. It is time to shed some light on the new situation and help them understand what it means. I kiss her cute nose and release my tight grasp on her as she slips from the bed and dresses. Darius also pulls away and grabs his clothes.
I follow them downstairs to the living room where the rest of the guys are waiting. Clearly, Garret has sounded the alarm. But at least I will have help with explaining some of it. Carino shifts in his chair as Eve sits down in Mikyda's lap.

"Explain," Darius barks. I'm not entirely sure where to start with my story and I'm grateful when Carino speaks up.

"Bonding wasn't enough to bind Max's soul and patch the tear, it was a temporary band-aid, and while it slowed the destruction, the end result would still be Max's death. I spoke to Asmodeus about what was happening and he remembered a few instances a long time ago where souls were rejoined and partial souls had family spirits help mend them with their own. However, we couldn't return Max's missing partial soul as it had been destroyed by Belestine and Asmodeus did not detect a deceased family soul lingering, that could have been used to heal him. Reece asked what would happen if a non-family soul attempted the repair. To be honest we weren't sure what would happen." He smiled apologetically. "But I agreed to try and bind them. I had already found in the Shadow circles archives the way the souls were entwined. Reece was torn between wanting to save Max for you and losing you again. He came to us the morning you skipped out early and found out about the baby. He had decided you couldn't risk losing Max. We did the ritual, and we waited. We knew it had worked when Max became stronger and I could no longer feel his life force bleeding away. I did worry though that he had gone mad as he kept talking to himself, and answering himself. I see now however that this was the souls working out how to co-exist. Learning how to share the body and the mind."
Eve slaps the blue-eyed side of my/Max's face.

"Have you learned nothing about communication? You didn't think to discuss it with me, or us. What would have happened if it didn't work and I lost both of you?" She demands.

"Our link was already broken babe. If you had Max's snap too, I feared we would lose you as well. It was worth trying," I reason. "Losing you is not an option. The people, your men, and now our baby, they all need you. I'm sorry I didn't run it past you, I didn't know if I was going to become just part of Max and sit in the background or if I was going to be able to share the body. It took me a while to get my bearings in there and be able to find my voice. Max has been a great host and we have come to a mutual agreement to share the body equally and give full control to one or the other at times. But it took a while to figure out how it was all going to work, how to make the body respond to two consciousnesses. Lots of practicing in private. We still aren't quite where we want to be, but we will get there."

"He's pissed that I'm still fence-sitting on his idea of a name change," Max says taking over the mouth.

"It's a good idea, acknowledges both of us," I reply back to him. Eve looks at me confused.
"He wants us to be called Mace, the first two letters in my name and the last two in his," Max grumbles.

"I put your name first, and I think it's fitting to acknowledge both of us," I laugh at him.

"Only because your name first sounded ridiculous, Reax is dumb and you know it. At least Mace sounds like a name," Max huffs. I roll my eye and turn my attention back to Eve, taking over the mouth to smile at her.

"That's going to take a bit of getting used to," she says eyeing me like I'm an unidentified species.

"What, the name?" We ask together.

"No you arguing with yourself," Darius chuckles. "For what it's worth I'm glad your back Reece, and I know you have done Max a huge favor stepping up like this, but remember it was his body first. Make sure you share nicely, don't overtake him. I'm quite fond of my Beta," Darius cautions me. I feel my cheeks flush, but it's not me embarrassed.

Uhh, why are we blushing? I ask Max

You seem to forget it was my cock you used on my Alpha.

Are you saying you didn't like it? I ask.

No I'm-fuck, just forget it, he says blushing harder while I laugh. That's cute as hell.

"Well let us know if you decide to change names, till then you're Max," Acassus informs me, making me scowl while Max laughs.

"I guess this has worked out well enough considering all the things that could have gone wrong," Eve says grudgingly. "I'm glad we get to keep Max and get to have Reece back."

"We will get better at sharing my body," Max says, "I'm hoping over time we will merge completely and operate as more of a combined individual, in which case 'Mace' would definitely be more appropriate." The idea of being more merged does scare me a little. We wouldn't be 'us'. Just one heart, body, and mind with characteristics of both of us. Max seems content to go with the flow but I worry about losing myself and the unique connection I share with Eve. But the reality is, if it does happen it will be gradual and we won't be aware. It will just be. For now, I'll stick to my side of his body and see what happens.

Luka announces dinner is ready. We sit at the tight dining table with Eve on my dominant side. I wait until she is halfway through before I let my hand wander under the table to play. Eve coughs and grabs her glass of water as my hand wanders up her thigh and taps at the apex for entry. Did she seriously think I could sit this close and not help myself? She glances at me as I tiptoe to the top of her spandex tights and wiggle my hand under the band. I grin at her and arch a brow, daring her to deny me. I feel her legs part and gently push a finger down to rub against her clit. Her hands grab the edge of the table white-knuckled as I coax her to cum for me. Knives and forks are slowly put down around the table as the scent of her arousal reaches each man. I hear belt buckles go and zips go down as they enjoy the show. I continue to eat nonchalantly as Eve groans and her legs shake. The men groan as she peaks, her pleasure their undoing. She gasps as she cums and I continue to work her through it before reluctantly withdrawing my hand so she can finish her meal. I lick my fingers clean and wink at her as her chest heaves and she struggles to recompose herself.

Holy shit dude, the things I'm going to be able to do to her and blame on you, Max laughs. Fuck that was hot.

Don't you dare, or I'll ensure you are running the show when Darius claims your virgin ass the first time, I warn. I can feel Max pull back as he realizes what sharing with me is really going to mean. Eve is always mine first and foremost, but Darius is too. I certainly hope Max is going to be able to handle the mighty hammer in D's pants because judging by the covert looks he's flashing my way, this shared ass will be losing its virginity sooner rather than later.

The funny thing is I feel Max's curiosity more than fear flit through his mind. Maybe we are a little more merged than we thought.

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