Chapter 23 Eve

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I stand on jelly legs as Dev struts away, once again confident in himself. I must remember to piss him off more often. The man certainly knows how to play hunter-prey, although it felt more like seek and destroy. I’m feeling pretty destroyed in my nether regions (in the best possible way.) At least I can check Dev off my to-do list. I’ve definitely done him, and I enjoyed every second of it too! At least he’s back on track, ready to be King again.

Carino’s already sent the Demons back to their realm, their new mates staying behind. We have sent a few to the human realm so they don’t have to fight their new mates in battle. This brings me to my next task. How to get to Asmodeus, so they don’t have to battle in the first place. The demons, now knowing what they do, will be fighting under duress. We will be forced to defend ourselves, and vice versa.

There is also the rat in Carino’s circle, but he claims he’s got a fair idea who it is, so I have left it in his hands. Then there is the whole Max situation. We are both as bad as each other with our issues. I know he wants me and my own bond wants him, but I’m just not quite there yet and he doesn’t want to push. I also need to speak to Ly, who still loves me to pieces but is definitely more cautious and watchful over me. I think I unnerve him a little, maybe I did go a teensy bit too far with Magda, even if she did one hundred percent deserve it.

Maybe I’m overthinking this. If I just do the deed with Max and then portal to Asmodeus, jump in his circle, and get my freak on - then I’ve won. I pat myself on the back. Plan made. Check.

Okay, I’ll go have a chat with Ly and then track down Max. Fingers crossed we can get our shit together and then I can cross him off the list. I groan. Since when has something as unique as mating been reduced to being part of a to-do list?

“Eve!” Ralen yells out as I’m striding to the house. I pause and swing my head to look at her. “We have info on Demon mating, you may want to pump us for information,” she sing-songs thrusting her hips. Fuck, I do need more info and I am damn curious about them. As for pumping them, I think I’ll just let the conversation flow as it may. I’m a bit pumped out after Dev’s attention. I really should see Ly, but this shouldn’t take long. I pivot and head Ralen’s way, where she leans against the door of our bar smugly. “Knew you couldn’t resist,” she laughs. I roll my eyes at her, I'm curious as fuck. Fucking sue me.

“I need to know what I’m in for and you know what I need to know. It’s a no-brainer really.” Ralen grins and heads inside as I trail after her. She stops at a table full of demon-mated women. Poppy looks at me bleary-eyed, clearly drunk.

“Eve!” She slurs. “I have a mate!” She screws her face up sadly. “Hurts to be so far away from him. You need to hurry up so we can be together.”

“Sure thing, I’ll wave my magic wand after fucking my Demon that I can't get to, and solve all your problems,” I say dryly.

“Great!” She grins happily. “Knew I could count on you.” I sigh. If only it was that easy. I take a seat and propping my chin in my hand and look at Ralen expectantly. She slides a shot of tequila my way. I have zero intention of drinking. Mates to de-scare, fuck, and all that jazz.

“They have spikes around the head of their cocks,” Ralen blurts. Yip didn’t see that coming. I take the shot. Ralen slides me another and I take that too. She slides me a third. “They also make their cocks vibrate when they knot you, it’s at least a fifteen-minute orgasm.” My mouth drops open and I swiftly throw the third shot down my throat. “When they cum, a tendril/ tentacle thing attaches itself to your cervix to pump you full of cum while you orgasm, coating your womb. There is a bloody good chance some of us are pregnant already.” I choke and accept the next two shots she slides my way. Vibrating octopus cocks. Looks like Garret’s not the only unique cock around after all. “The shaft has ridges and bumps that rub against you deliciously and their cocks are so big.” Her voice takes on a dreamlike quality.

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