Chapter 16 Eve

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Mikyda has to portal us back since we have no clothes. (Shouldn't have let the vines shred them. Ooops!!) Except the little shit portals us into the lounge of the pack house instead of the bedroom, leaving me to do the walk of shame up the stairs, while his brother loses his shit at Mikyda for getting his dick wet while his own is still dry.

I can hear the front door open and close over the sound of Mikyda's laughing and Acassus's yelling and stifle a giggle as I pull on fresh clothes. I feel sorry for whichever mate has walked into that. I hear footsteps on the stairs, light ones, obviously, they are avoiding the brothers. I pull on my combat boots (or shit kickers as Darius calls them) and swiftly lace them up. There is a tentative knock at the door. Ok, maybe Carino or Max? They were still too hesitant to walk in without warning. I sigh and throw the door open, only to have my jaw drop in disbelief.

"Bestie!" Magda shrieks excitedly, throwing her arms around me. "It's been forever since I saw you! I was so sorry to hear about Reece sweetie. How are you doing?" She kisses my cheek while I stand stunned, wondering what twilight zone I've wandered into. Magda is here. The Magda. Magda who had led Reece into a trap. She had betrayed his trust and all of our trust too. Reece's death was on her head. I shake with rage and excitement. Magda has delivered herself to me on a silver platter for punishment. How delightful and generous of her. I don't know why she's here, but surely she knows she won't be leaving here alive?

Magda takes my shaking as grief and coos soothingly, as she rubs my back. A sinister grin stretches across my face as I reach up and stroke her hair, before grabbing a fistful and swinging her face first into the door frame. To my delight, she is so caught off guard that she doesn't even get to put her hands up. Her face hits with a satisfying thunk before she ricochets off and hits the back of her head on the opposite side of the door frame.

"What the fuck Eve!" She shrieks, as though shocked. Was this bitch for real?

"Sorry bestie, I just slipped. Oops!" I shrug.

"Oh," she says, looking at me confused. "No harm done." I wait for her to gain her footing, smirking at the blood pouring down her face. As soon as she is stable I punch her full force in the abdomen and bring my knee up to greet her face, as she tries to bend and clutch her stomach.

"Oh my God Magda, I am so very sorry. It was a nervous twitch," I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Eve," Magda whimpers. "Something tells me you are upset with me. I'm sure we can talk about it," she offers tentatively. It dawns on me she literally has no idea why I'm angry.

"Yes let's talk Magda," I purr. "Let's talk about how you portalled the love of my life, my mate, as well as my father, into a trap." I hit her with a left hook. "Let's talk about how you left them to die." I throw a right hook. "Let's talk about how you killed my Reece, you fucking backstabbing bitch!" I roar and throw a brutal uppercut, knocking her back into the hallway.

"Eve, you don't understand, it was what my King wanted he-"

"Your King is dead, you fucking piece of shit! You betrayed us for a dead, fat, lazy asshole!" I say, kicking her knee out. Magda scowls back at me.

"Eve, don't say that about my love-" A growl sounds in the doorway. I throw my hand out.

"Get the fuck back downstairs!" I snarl. " This bitch is mine!" I will be damned if my mates are going to take away my revenge and fun. I kick out her other leg and drag her toward the stairs, where the Fae brothers wait. They are in my way. Bypass time.
I heft her up and throw her over the edge of the banister before leaping over and down, landing beside her. The idiot is trying to drag herself to the door now, whimpering.

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