Chapter 30 Luka

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We are gathered in the lounge waiting for Dev to spill the beans on the blood test results. We'd forgotten about them up till now, with Eve being attacked by Belestine. Eve is tucked into my side with a death grip on Darius' hand. She is quiet and withdrawn and has yet to tell us what happened, but I can see her working through it in her head. She will no doubt tell us once she has worked out how she wants to deal with it.

"So the reason for two wolves is because..." Dev pauses dramatically and opens an envelope. "Darius, you are all wolf plus a tiny amount of something else. Demon is the suspicion. Guess that explains why you're so big." He pulls another envelope from the pile and opens it. "Max, you are..." He scans the document and his jaw drops.

"What? Fuck man! Don't leave me hanging!" Max exclaims.

"You're like Eve - a chimera," Dev says, looking at Max with disbelief.

"Bullshit!" Max barks, snatching the form and scanning it. "Holy fuck!" He slumps back.

"I fucking knew there was a reason!" Dev crows. "That's why another mate had to come forward. You complete the damn circle. Like Adam and Eve or some shit."

"What about the rest of us?" Lysario asks. Dev hands out the envelopes. I look at mine and sure enough, there is another gene in mine, too. I glance at Lysario beside me. He has a bit of witch in him.

"Has everyone got a little extra something?" I ask. They all nod.

"I wonder if we can activate the genes like Eve did." Carino muses.

"Planning on playing for both sides now?" Acassus laughs. "That's what it takes to activate them, true mating." Carino scowls and goes back to thinking. "What do you have in you anyway?"

"Dark Fae." Carino growls. Acassus's eyes rake over Carino's body suggestively, then he shakes his head.

"Nope. Not attracted to you, sorry mate."

"You're not attracted to anyone, period. You have gone from man whore to only Eve. You don't even look at other girls. They are all invisible to you," Mikyda laughs.

"Ditto, dick head," Acassus snaps. "You are fooling no one." Mikyda scowls and looks away. I glance at Eve who seems oblivious to her surroundings.

"Amor?" I say gently, waving my cigarette pack in her line of sight. Her eyes flicker and focus before they trail up to look at me. She gives a small nod. "We will be back," I tell the guys. "We will just be on the back porch." Eve reluctantly lets go of Darius and lets me tug her to her feet. Her hand holds mine tightly and she plasters herself to my side. Eve is never clingy. Something is going on and I need to get her to tell me what it is.

I help her to sit on the step and take up my position behind her, as we normally do, but she still won't release my hand and I fumble out the smokes and lighter one-handed. Eve eventually shifts her death grip to my leg, looping her arm around it and hugging tight, while resting her head on my thigh. I throw my smoke butt away and start massaging her shoulders while she finishes her own. I wait for her knots to slowly release under my fingertips before I let myself speak.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I offer. She is silent for a moment and I begin to think she won't let me in on her inner turmoil. But then she opens her mouth and it pours out. How she saw Reece, not as a dream but actually there - and Belestine too. The web of lies the witch had tried to weave, as he claimed she was his. How she found her way back with Reece's help. The three things that were really fucking with her were; how easily Belestine had convinced her he was her mate, how easily she had forgotten us, and having to let Reece go - again. "But you sensed something was wrong fast, and now we know Reece's soul hasn't been destroyed. We already know Belestine's a prick, it's just another nail in his coffin. At the end of the day Amor, you chose life. You chose us. The two men who upset you earlier have been disposed of as well. They were the rats. Your Dad and Mikyda had a lot of fun with them."

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