Chapter 36 Eve

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After spending hours chatting with the demon and attempting to get to know him as a person, we are interrupted by visitors.

"I want a new cell!" I demand as soon as the King arrives to visit. "This creepy fuck keeps staring at me and licking his lips." The King glances behind him at the leering Demon.

"Don't mind him. He hasn't been near a woman for centuries. I imagine he has the worst case of blue balls. Maybe if you continue to reject my offer, he can convince you that there are fates worse than death. You may find yourself reconsidering my offer if I decide to hand you over to him for some care and attention," he muses.

"I can help," Asmodeus says excitedly. "I'll tear her apart on my cock, break her body and mind!" I shudder. I'm glad he's on my side because that sounded genuine.

"Would you like to reconsider my offer?" The king asks, looking at me.

"I will not forsake my people and be your puppet!" I snarl.

"Maybe later you can play together then," the king drawls, winking at the Demon. "I want to introduce you to a couple of acquaintances of mine first. They looked after Reece when he was a guest here and they have kindly offered to extend their hospitality to you as well. Isn't that nice of them?" My eyes zero in on a nondescript, average-looking vampire, easily overlooked until you see the darkness in his eyes. The eyes are terrifying. A big brute of a vampire grins widely behind him. "Meet Hardyn and his apprentice Vance. I will leave you in their capable hands." He bows his head to me and walks a few steps before pausing. "Remember Eve, this can stop at any time you want, you just have to take up my offer."

"I'll die before I give you what you want!" I growl.

"Yes, well that's not entirely off the tables either," he mutters, stalking away. Right, good to know. I turn my attention to the evil tweedle dumbers outside my cell.

"So what's first on the list? A tour? A tea party to get to know each other? A little blood spilled between friends?"

"I'll take option three for three hundred thanks Hardyn," the bigger vampire laughs. "I kind of like this one, she's got spunk."

"Shame we have to play bad cop," Hardyn agrees, emotionless like a robot.

"Oh, what are we starting with? Fire? Knives? Fingernail removal?" I ask bouncing on the balls of my feet. The pain I can handle, even embrace. It's the head shit I'm not great with and if I see a penis, there will be no more miss nice guy.

"Nothing too dramatic, just a stock standard beating to ease you in," Vance shrugs.

"Easing me in? That's so kind of you! And as much as I want to say be gentle it's my first time, I would be lying. No foreplay is required. Feel free to bring out your toys of choice, I offer, eager to get this shit over with.

"Jesus, fuck, you are just like your father," Hardyn smirks. "I take it you're a few sheep short of a flock upstairs too."

"Not at all, sir!" I say indignantly. "My flock ran off a while ago. Zero sheep. Zero fucks to give. Chop, chop." Then I crack up. "Ha! Sheep! Lamp chops. Chop, chop!"

"Bloody hell," Hardyn grumbles. "She's even crazier than Sirus is."

"That's ok, I like them crazy," Vance says, nodding in approval. "Sorry in advance, nothing personal." I shrug and they attack a side each. I keep my eyes on Asmodeus but let my mind drift.

I'm going to have a black throne, I think these guys' heads should sit on the front of the armrests. Do thrones have armrests? I want mine to have them anyway. The King and Belestine's will go down the bottom, or maybe around the back. Somewhere unimportant. Oh, a footrest! Keep the fuckers under my heel where they belong. I grin and jiggle excitedly now that that's been decided. I feel a rib crack and I scowl. I would have punctured a lung when I broke their ribs if the positions were reversed. But who am I to tell them how to do their jobs? Maybe I should start a school to teach the art of torture? After all, I have been on both sides of the coin. Surely that makes me qualified to teach?

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