Chapter 28 Carino

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Our beautifully stubborn Eve has her mental shields up so high we can't get a read on her location. So while a search party scours the pack land for her, I'm searching for answers. What were they hoping to achieve by upsetting Eve? Certainly not to push her to complete the circle as they pretended to. No, they pushed in a way to make her rebel harder against it. Making the upcoming matings sound dirty. They have made her doubt herself and her intentions. Is it just a way to buy time for the enemy, or something else?

Mikyda and Sirus pace restlessly behind me, eager to begin questioning. The two psychopaths of our circle. Sirus doesn't hide what he is. Mikyda does. But I see him, the real him, that is hiding just below the surface. Eve talks about the darkness inside us all. Mikyda doesn't just have darkness inside of him, he swims in it. It peeks out from his eyes sometimes when he thinks no one is watching. Now as I look at him, I see it standing front and center. I think he might be worse than Sirus, to be honest, and I'm glad that him being bonded to Eve keeps some kind of leash on it.

I'll try things my way first and see what our two victims will willingly tell us before I hand them over to the more persuasive methods of the men behind me. I already know how creative Sirus can be. I look forward to seeing Mikyda's work.

"Why betray us?" I ask calmly.

"Why not?" Maverick sneers. "Why would we accept and allow a woman who can control us all to remain alive?"

"So you would rather be ruled by a vampire and kept under thumb? At least Eve is part witch and can show empathy and mercy," I tell him, raising my eyebrow. The elected witch proxy Niall laughs.

"The vampire won't be the one ruling. Do you really think Belestine will just sit back after he mows your lot down when he has the legion at his disposal? The vampires will be wiped out and the witches will rule. No way will he play second fiddle to the vampires, especially with all the harvested souls at his disposal. Humans will rule this world again. Those of us with power will lead them into the new age and the supernatural abominations will be no more." Oh, he's one of those self-righteous assholes.

"What have you told them of our plans?" Both men glance away with flattened mouths. "Do they know who the tenth mate is?" The two witches glance at each other.

"Yes!" Niall blurts. "They know everything. She stands no chance of completing the circle now." Well fuck. Mikyda steps forward grinning wolfishly.

"Liar, liar pants on fire," he sings.

"They do, they know it's a Demon and which one," Maverick says with conviction. Mikyda tilts his head, eyeing him.

"Tricky aren't you? But not good enough. They haven't told them about the Demon mate at all," Mikyda laughs. "Pretty shit tattle tails. That's key information."

"You do realize that times are changing? The lines are no longer pure. If this purge of races goes ahead, you risk being able to find your twin flames, and chosen ones will yield fewer children. You will sentence the witches to a slow extinction." I inform them. How can they be so blind?

"You forget humans are fertile, we will integrate into their lives," Maverick states.

"You would dilute the lines and leave the generations to come without any power," I growl. Mav just shrugs. I shake my head in disgust. "Have at it boys, find out what you can." I motion Mikyda and Sirus forward.

"Are you not joining us?" Sirus asks.

"I will watch and listen, you can have your fun." Blood is only of interest if it has Eve involved, otherwise, it's just a job. These two nutters relish it. Who would I be to take away their fun? Having Mikyda here as a walking lie detector test will help sort fact from fiction. Being able to watch will give me front-row seats to their pain. That, I will enjoy. They upset my girl. Sirus digs his teeth into Niall's throat, not drinking just letting his venom loose to cause pain. It takes a moment for him to tense and start to thrash.

"Hurts, doesn't it?" Mikyda croons. "You can make it all stop if you tell us everything we want to know."

"Don't you dare!" Maverick hisses. Mikyda punches him.

"Shut up and wait your turn!" He snaps, before turning back to Niall. "What do they have planned for Eve?" Niall shakes his head and clenches his jaw. They were right to go for him, he's always had a shit pain threshold. It shouldn't take much for him to start singing. Sirus releases his bite and spits blood from his mouth, then tip-toes his fingers down Niall's arm.

"The incy wincy spider went up the water spout," he sings going down to his forearm, "Down came the rain and washed the spider out!" He gets to the hand and with a quick movement rips off his pinky finger, throwing it behind him. I grin as Niall screams, looking at his hand in horror. "Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain." Sirus starts tip-toeing down the other arm as Niall thrashes in earnest. "And the incy wincy spider went up the spout again!" The thumb is pulled off this time, hitting the wall with a soft thud.

"Oh, do it again!" Mikyda laughs gleefully. Niall shakes his head vehemently as Sirus touches the first shoulder he had started from.

"No, I'll talk!" Niall shrieks, trembling and sweating. I sigh, how had this man ever made it so high up the food chain? Such a spineless waste of space. "Belestine plans to take Eve from the King when they have her. He's still deciding if he will outright kill her or breed her first to give himself a powerful line."

"Truth!" Mikyda growls. "Why did you set out to upset our mate today?"

"So she would be away from you all and Belestine can weave a spell on her," Niall admits, while Maverick screams at him to shut up. We need to find Eve like now. I reach for our link and am surprised to find her walls down and an unexpected feeling of happiness and contentment comes from her side, instead of the sadness or pain I thought I would feel. I can sense her direction as well. That's good, the guys will find her now.
I startle as my phone starts ringing in my pocket. I pull it out and see it's Max.

"Did you find her?" I ask.

"Yeah, she's up at Reece's tent, sleeping," Max replies hesitantly, and I breathe a sigh of relief. Thank god she's safe. "There's a problem though," he continues. "We can't wake her up. Darius has even carried her into the swimming pond. I think something is wrong. You better come up." I slap my head. Of course! She's asleep outside the packhouse where her dreams are not protected. That bastard has got his hooks in her!

"Get Ly to open a portal for me, I'll come now," I demand hanging up on him and shoving my phone back in my pocket. "Do whatever you want to these two, and kill them when you're done," I instruct.

"What's wrong with my daughter!" Sirus growls.

"These assholes have ensured Belestine can get in her head," I snarl. "He's got her in her sleep."

"Get her out of it!" Sirus orders, grabbing Niall's arm and I nod as I head for the portal that has just opened up.

"That's exactly what I plan to do. Have fun playing serial killers."

"We will," they chorus together. As I step through I hear a scream, followed by the ripping of tendons and a thump.

"I hope for your sake that wasn't your dominant hand" Mikyda laughs.

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