Afterword and Acknowledgement

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Phew! We made it!

This is the end of Eve's story, that poor girl has earned her happily ever after. Hopefully, you have finished this book and feel it has been wrapped up in a pretty bow with no cliffhangers and lots of feel-good vibes. I promise she will eventually accept Istraya as she has all the others. But it's Eve. I had to throw her just one last little something before I bid her farewell. It would have been rude not to really.

Thank you all so much for cheering me on and encouraging me to keep going. I appreciated all your kind words, support, and your patience while I was so ill in December and January. Book three took a lot longer than planned to get out, but in saying that I'm pretty proud of writing three books in less than four months while juggling a full-time job, four kids, an unexpected long illness, a cyclone, and flooding. Even the great Stephen King produces one or two books a year. So I'm not going to complain too much about the delay with book three. Three books in four months is a marathon shoved into a sprint.

So what's next? I have to get this trilogy onto another platform I work on, and I'm hoping to get Eve's story on Amazon this year. I do have ideas for lots of different stories in a range of new worlds and genres, so this is certainly not the end of my writing.

I want to give a heartfelt thank you to my editor Anne, whom I bounce ideas off, and who points out where things are lacking, or I've pushed too far. That woman has the patience of a saint!

Massive shout out to my family who patiently waited for me to finish a chapter before I cooked them dinner and helped around the house when I was too busy being in the zone. They are my biggest cheerleaders.

And of course, huge thank you times a thousand to you, my readers! Without you, what would be the point? I have loved having you with me, and have read every single comment you have all written. You guys are inspiringly awesome!

Catch you all in the next book,

Much love Cass xx

P.s please leave a review if you are comfortable doing so. I'd love to know what you thought. And if you have any ideas on what genre or characters you want me to tackle next let me know, I'm all ears xx

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