Chapter 42 Devlin

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Our circle has gathered in the war room with the generals, minus Garret and Sirus, who are both still under lock and key for everyone's safety, including their own.

"What if we take a leaf out of the Demon's book and burn their kingdom to the ground?" Carino suggests. "Us witches could come up with some fire spells that detonate on impact. The dragons can drop them in different areas and throw them into chaos. Humans use planes to drop bombs successfully on the enemy. This would essentially be the same thing."

"That is brilliant! We could portal in while they are running around distracted and grab Eve. I like it! Set your people to it immediately." I look at the dragon general. "Gather your men and ask for volunteers, we can't discount that the vampires may have harpoons, so it is not without risk." The general nods and hurries out of the room but pauses at the doorway.

"Your highness, they will volunteer, but they won't go without their king's order."

"I'll make sure he is present before they leave," I say, scowling. Stubborn dragons. They would have just done it if Eve was here.

"What is the plan with the Demon army?" Lysario's brother asks.

"Do not engage, it would be a slaughter," Darius growls. "The mission is to get Eve out and complete the circle, then we have won."

"So run away like little pussies," Irinda mutters. "Got it."

"By all means - engage if you want to. Why not finish off the extinction of your race? It's working out well for you so far having to live off the pack lands like leeches," growls Acassus. The light Fae roars and launches himself over the table, while Lysario grabs at him, and Mikyda and Acassus laugh. I rub my temples. This is how it has been for days now. We can't seem to remain civil to each other for more than five minutes. Everyone knows what is at risk without Eve safely in our fold. We know she was close to death at one point, the strain on our lax bond at breaking point. Luka had managed to get Hardyn on the phone and half an hour later he was able to report that Eve had successfully fed and was healing. I was hoping it would be enough to pump the drugs out of her system, so we could link to coordinate the attack with her, and find out if she had succeeded in getting to the Demon.

"Lysario and Mikyda can you find us Fae volunteers to portal us into the castle?" I ask. The Fae nod and stalk out of the room. "Acassus, when we get there, if we find her, take her out of there immediately. Portal straight to Max and take them both somewhere they won't be found. Guard them until they have completed the circle." Acassus nods. He might act recklessly and play the part of a brute, but he will do anything to keep Eve safe. I'm well aware he has been testing the defenses at the vampire's border in his desperation to find a weak point for our army to penetrate. He has also killed quite a few of their guards, stalking them from the shadows. He will get himself killed if he keeps it up. "Hopefully, Max will be strong enough to do what needs to be done. I will go and see if I can knock some sense into our Dragon, so he can focus on his task," I say as I get to my feet.

"Good luck," Darius calls after me. I shoot him a wry grin because I definitely need some luck and patience to deal with the outraged beast in the dungeon.

As I descend the steps to the cool musty jail, I listen to the tormented sounds coming from the end cell. The dragon is suffering from his link to Eve lying unresponsive, he is not used to being away from her, and not being able to reach her through the bond. While the human side knows she's alive, the beast side is riding him as though she is dying. I motion for a guard to unlock the cell and step away. I enter and see Garret scraping his nails down the rock face of the back wall while systematically thumping his head against it, trying to knock his dragon side out. His chains jangle as his claws shred themselves against the hard wall. I spin him around and punch him hard. He staggers for a moment and shakes his head to focus on me. He snarls and throws himself forward, the chains stopping him short as I move just out of reach.

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