Chapter 7 Eve

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Waking up from a blissfully dream-free sleep is the best feeling in days, after the hell that had tormented me. I stretch and feel Lukas’s morning wood graze my thigh and smirk. I slowly inch my way down, sliding his boxers up and slipping my fangs into his femoral artery. He groans, his hands sliding down to grip my hair.

“Jesus Luka! You lucky fuck,” Acassus bitches.

“She’s just feeding,” Luka says breathlessly.

The blanket comes off and my eyes roll up to look at a surprised Acassus.

“Oh. She is just feeding,” He says disappointed, dropping the blanket back down over me. I hear the hound head off to the kitchen and pop Luka free of his boxers as I retract my fangs and gobble him down, sliding him in and out of my throat. Luka groans again, he’s already on the edge from the more erotic bite, he won’t last long.

“Ahh, she’s giving you that bite,” Acassus laughs obliviously. I swallow, making my throat contract and he loses it. I wait for the throbbing to subside, swallowing his seed before pulling away, tucking him tidily back into his boxers, and crawling back up to snuggle in his waiting arms.

“Good morning to you too Amor,” he chuckles, as I snigger. “Feeling better are we?”

“Very much, I had the best sleep.”

“Did you have enough to drink?”

“Iron check, protein check, yeah I’m good to go,” I laugh. “Just need my caffeine. Did you need to feed?”

“Amor, if I feed off you right now, you can bet your ass you won’t be leaving the house for quite some time,” he tells me wagging his eyebrows. I am so tempted, but I also know I have a huge backlog of work to get through.


“Absolutely,” he says with a grin lighting up his face. I give him a quick kiss and head off in search of my caffeine. Acassus turns with a smile, handing me a steaming mug.

“Oh, come here gorgeous, you have a little something...” his thumb wipes over my chin, and then the idiot sniffs it and scowls. The spoon in his hand flies and hits Lukas’s head. “You fucker. You got a blowie!” Luka grins and I blink innocently as I sip my coffee.

“Now you’ve done it, he’s going to be foul all day knowing he missed out,” Mikyda chuckles padding over and claiming a bar stool. Acassus looks at me and pouts.

“Calm down you big baby, we can have a group therapy session tonight,” I tell him. He whoops and snatches the coffee off me, placing it on the safety of the counter, before grabbing my hips and spinning me around. He plunders my mouth, diving his tongue in and I laugh. “Dude, I just had a dick in my mouth literally five minutes ago.”

“Don’t care,” He growls, going back for seconds. He puts me back down, thwacks my ass, and then at last returns my coffee before wandering off to get his own. Darius yawns behind me and snuggles up, careful not to jostle my coffee, planting kisses up my neck before he goes to get his own coffee.

Carino takes a seat at the breakfast bar and I go over to him and kiss his cheek. He looks up surprised.

“Thank you for letting me sleep. I don’t know what you did but I feel like a million dollars this morning,” I tell him gratefully.

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