Chapter 18 Acassus

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There is a very big difference between fucking for fun, lust, and love, as opposed to fucking because you have to. I always thought I would be ready and rearing to go. Want to fuck in the wild? Cool. Want to fuck in front of other people? Awesome. Want to fuck in the middle of a battle covered in blood? I'm your hound. But this! This fucking because we have to? This was fucking with me and not in an enjoyable way. It was like someone was holding a gun to my head. I don't like it, not even one little bit.

I watch my girl approaching her first big O and clench my jaw. The fact both of them needed to be influenced by vamp venom to get jiggy with it pisses me off. It shouldn't be like this. Every fuck with Eve is a gift, something to treasure. This makes it feel cheap. Like some ass wipe is cheating us of something. I want to growl and lash out.

"Focus on her," Mikyda murmurs in my ear. "Nothing else, just her. Look at how her chest heaves, those beautiful tits begging to be sucked. Look at how well she takes his cock, remember how it feels pulsating and squeezing you. Look at her gazing into his eyes with pure love as she moans his name. Remember how it feels to hear your own name spill from her lips as she cums hard on your cock."

Yep fuck, that does it, I'm standing at attention now. I'm tempted to shove a finger up Ly's ass to hurry him up. I want my girl right now, but he's made it clear right from the get-go his butt's a no-go zone. Instead, I mirror Mikyda who's moved to one side of Eve and take a nipple in my mouth at the same time he does. My finger slides down to her detonate button. Normally we fight not to cum when Eve does, today we won't even attempt to. This isn't a long game, it's a sprint.

A few flicks and she's off like a rocket taking Ly with her. Thank fuck! I shove him aside and plunge into my personal heaven and hammer the fuck out of her. It's like discovering the holy grail for the first time, every time. I'm so wrapped around this little girl's finger that it's ridiculous. It's a fight from the start not to cum. I know we are sprinting today but I need to know my girl at least gets to tick one explosion off before I do. So I cheat and set my vines loose from their home on my wrist. I pull the thorns inwards so no damage is done and let them play like extra fingers and cocks.

Two shoot up to her breasts to strum her nipples, one wraps around her neck lightly squeezing, another rotates on her clit and a sneaky rogue fucker goes for her ass. They hit her all at the same time. Her eyes fly open and she gasps my name as her walls clamp on me squeezing and pulsing.

"Fuck yes, my Queen!" I roar, letting my seed loose inside her. Mikyda shoves me free of her and I snarl as I fall sprawled out on the ground cock still throbbing.

"Prick!"I snap.

"Karma," Ly laughs at me. Okay, yeah, it kind of is.

I watch Mikyda take her hard and fast, angling himself to hit her g-spot each time he shoves in. I watch her body coil tighter and tighter as her back bows and she screams for him. He possesses her lips as he lets himself cum, growling and snarling into her mouth. He loves being inside her and lives for the moment he gets to join their bodies together. He will hate that this is a sprint, wanting to be in her as long as he can. I wait for him to withdraw, for Ly to begin round two, but then the greedy fuck starts moving inside her again. Fucker! That's my trick!

He rolls them both suddenly and pulls her flat to his chest.

"You coming in Ly? The temperature's perfect," He rasps.

"I'll wait," Ly huffs. Prude. No crossing swords with him. Fuck him, I'll take one for the team. I quickly kneel down and look at that hot dripping penetrated pussy and fight the urge to lick her juices, every drop is for the new land, no dessert for me. I lick my lips but behave, as I begin to fight my way in beside my brother. Jesus this is stretching her limits. I hear her groan and almost pull away but she pushes back taking more of me. Dirty girl. She loves it!

That's all it takes to get me going for it. I push in slow and steady but unrelenting. Once seated, I thrust in tandem with Mikyda, moving like one gigantic cock. Then we change gears and alternate our strokes. I can feel her quivers starting, so I lick my pinky and shove it in her ass. Off she goes again. I love how responsive she is. Her muscles are so tight on us that we can't thrust and my control starts to slip.

I feel Mikyda pulse and let go allowing myself to do the same. My seed bubbles up from my balls and squirts like a geyser inside her. I allow myself to lay my chest against her back for a moment as I catch my breath. My ever ready cock has other ideas and is already beginning to re-swell inside her. It's insatiable for her. Mikyda pulls free and I pull her up to sit on my lap. Not moving, just enjoying her back against my chest, my cock buried deep. Ly slaps the back of my head. Ruining the moment. Asswipe!

"My turn fucker!" Ly snarls. He is usually so cool and in control, but he does like to watch. I guess crossing swords does it for him in a way after all. I huff and kiss my queen's temple, before reluctantly withdrawing from her welcoming depths. Got to share, play nice, and all that crap.

I roll away after handing her off to Ly and wait for him to be done before I claim her again. He sits her in his lap taking her gently this time. She probably needs gentleness after what my brother and I have just done to her. Ly stares into her eyes. She is his world, his moon, his stars. The two of them make love like no one else, it's truly a thing of beauty to watch. I see her shudder and wrap her arms around him, nestling her head into his neck as they move together in fluid grace.

"Ly," she breathes against his neck as she slowly comes apart in his arms. His hips stutter and he pulls her hips flush to his as he unloads. They sigh in contentment and give each other gentle kisses.

"Shall we see how much land this has brought us so far?" Mikyda interrupts. Eve nods sleepily and Ly pulls himself gently free as he picks her up and stands. I turn and look around us, nothing has changed. What the actual fuck. Ly moves Eve to a position Darius likes to fuck her in, legs draped over his arms, her back to his front, and her legs spread wide. Ly's vines come out and one slips inside Eve's dripping pussy, Mikyda steps forward and does the same. Okay, so this is a thing??? Thanks for the guidance, dicks. I follow their lead and Ly nudges Eve.

"You too, beautiful." She sighs but lets one of her vines slather itself in the delightful mess we have made. Hmm, I wonder if she's ever... you know, with her vines? Fuck, concentrate!

"Get your vines to take as much of the fertile seed as they can and then plunge it into the dirt, imagining this small meadow expanding as far as you can see," Ly instructs. So we do.

The ground ripples like a disturbed puddle and I can't see the other guys standing watch anymore. Holy shit! Luka blurs to us a moment later.

"Darius said you can stop. Actually, more like begged you to," he laughs. "Pretty sure you at least doubled our land." Fucking music to my ears. Now I can fuck Eve just because, not because we have to. I wonder if Ly will hold her like that while I do. I step towards Eve, but Luka holds up a hand. "No you don't big guy, our girl needs a bath and food." Ly nods in agreement kissing her and hands her into Luka's waiting arms. Ly opens a portal and we step through to the bedroom, where Ly shoots off to run the bath and Mikyda gets her clothes ready for when she's done. How disgustingly domestic.

"Fancy assistance getting clean?" I offer, wagging my eyebrows at her. Her head lols back to look at me.

"You are insatiable," she laughs tiredly.

Only for you my Queen, only ever for you.

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