home sweet home

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Olivia's: POV
After getting home from work I stopped at the grocery store to pick up some groceries for the month. Sasha the nanny text me and Nyla was out of apple juice, l think tonight l'm gonna make spaghetti and meatballs Nyla's favorite. When I enter inside the market it was crowded
I grabbed a shopping cart and begin moving, l went down the wine aisle and looked at the many selections. I picked up a few bottles of wine, today has been a stressful day
It's midterms week. I don't know what's more overwhelming than grading or giving lectures and making sure my students pass English literature,
It didn't take me long to get everything l needed.
I headed to the check out line to pay for my purchases
This week is going by extremely slow. I begin to unload my groceries and put them on the convert belt, the cashier began scanning my items. I just wanted to get home, cook dinner spend a little bit time with Nayla
She's in bed every night at 8:00 pm. I'm not sure what we're doing this weekend, l really need to catch up on some laundry and clean up the house. I paid for my things
I pushed the cart out the door, and walked across the parking lot. I popped open my trunk and started unloading the buggy, putting the bags inside once I was done. I shut the trunk down and got in my vehicle
Started up the engine and pulled out of the super market
Parking lot, l'm glad l stopped off at the gas station to feel up the tank. Luckily my house is only thirty minutes away from the stores, l turned down the street and drove up on the driveway. Took the keys out of the ignition and exit the car, l walk up the steps and unlock the front door
Mommy mommy Nyla came running towards me
Hi baby how was your day did you have a good time with Sasha. Olivia asks her daughter, we did story time finger painting and we went to the playground Nyla said
Wow did you a lot Olivia replied. Nyla l'm gonna go back outside and get the groceries and bring them inside Olivia explains, Nyla let's get all your toys clean up for your mommy like a big girl Sasha says. Nyla begins picking up her Lego's and dolls off the living room floor, placed it in the toy chest. She heard her mommy coming through the door carrying bags, Nyla was always wanted to help
Alright Nyla l'm gonna get ready to go home and l see tomorrow okay pretty girl Sasha says to Nyla. Bye Sasha
Nyla tells her nanny, Olivia sees Sasha to the door

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