Setting wheels in motion

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Alex's: POV
As l was leaving my office for the evening l ran into Casey
One of my closest friends. We talked for a few minutes
She invited me out for drinks on Friday night, l tried to come up with an excuse but she notice my hesitation
Come on Alex it will be a lot of fun besides all you seemed to do these days is work from sun up to sun down
And I don't give me no bull shit lie and tell me you have other plans Casey said. Fine l'll go out for drinks with you on Friday night but I have to go to my nieces dance recital at 5 she's counting on me, l can meet you afterwards Alex replied, you better not be lying to me
Look l know you rather buried yourself in your work
I think you should put yourself back out there again
Casey says to me. I was a little taking back by her bluntness, she always calls me out on my shit
Casey was the first person I told about my recent break up
I'm a private person who doesn't go around telling people my personal business l learned that from a early age
Mom use to say what goes on in our household is nobody's concern, that statement has stuck with me for years
Stef was the same way to a degree. Alright Casey I'll be there, but I really get out of here cause I don't want run into rush hour traffic you know what that's like Alex tells Casey, okay drive safely Alex and l will see you tomorrow night Casey States as she watches Alex walk down the hall towards the elevator. All Casey has to do is convince Olivia come out with them so she can meet Alex both of them have been single far to long Casey knows Olivia will be the perfect woman for Alex, this plan has to work
I head back to my office to pack up my things and go home and prepare for tomorrow's meeting. The only thing I have left to do is send Olivia's favorite flowers to the University where she teaches at, l sent Olivia a text
Letting her know l'm on my way to her house for dinner
Liv is like a big sister to me we have known each other since freshman year we've been best friends ever since
Her daughter is my Goddaughter. Nayla is the cutest little girl, she lights when she sees me, l love it when she calls me auntie Casey l would do anything for her. Liv says l spoil her to much, after being told by my doctor
I wouldn't never be able to have children of my own
Really broke me to pieces eventually l came to terms with it. I locked up my office and went down to the parking garage to get in my car and head over to Liv's place,
I made sure to bring her favorite bottle of wine l promise her. After buckling up my seat belt l started up the engine and pulled out of the parking space l really hope Alex comes out for drinks Friday night, after getting to know her. I came to realize she's a very guarded person
Who doesn't talk to much about her upbringing she tells me about her niece Francesca who she adores, l know Alex has an older sister who's a detective. I know she comes from money because the fancy suits Alex wears all the time to work, let me not get started on the condo she owns. It costs more than my apartment, l've been over to her place a few times to hang out and watch movies

Olivia's: POV
Casey just called to say that she was on her way over
I had just finished up preparing dinner. Nayla is in her room playing with the cat, ever since we bought her home
They been in sync. is it was good seeing them getting along so well. Mommy mommy kitty and I are hungry
Nayla comes running in the kitchen shouting that she was ready to eat, will have dinner once aunt Casey gets here
Baby girl l said to Nyla. Mommy is auntie coming over
It's been awhile since Casey's visited us due to her work schedule at DA's office between her job and my hours Columbia, l'm just we get a chance to catch up this week
Friday night she invited me out for drinks and l gladly accepted her invitation. Nyla will be at home with the baby sitter, she only comes over when I have to stay at the University late or if I had plans with Casey. Nyla really enjoys her company cause she reads princess stories to Nyla and does all the funny voices, l am extremely over protective when it comes to my daughter. I don't have too many people around her especially when l'm dating someone New. I'm always upfront with anybody l'm seeing, l let them know that I have a daughter who l love dearly. The door bell rings l walked over and look into peep hole, l see Casey holding a bottle of wine in her hand
I unlocked the door to allow her to come in the house
Hi Casey how's it going Olivia said. I'm good and you
Thank you for inviting me over, it's been some time
Casey replies as Nyla hears Casey's voice she came running out the living room aunt Casey Nyla wraps her arms around Casey's legs Casey leans down and picks Nyla up to give her a hug. I missed Nyla Casey told Nyla
Guess what auntie mommy and I went to the animal shelter to adopt a kitten, she's really friendly she has her own cat bed. But mommy doesn't want her sleeping in my bed, Nyla tells me wow that's great Casey Stated. Casey you guys can go sit at the table while I bring the food over
Olivia walks off to the kitchen, leaving Casey and Nyla in the dining room, l hear Casey and Nyla talking about something that happened at Nyla's day care they recently went on a field trip to the museum and saw dinosaur fossils and bones. Nyla didn't care to much for it
She loves it when we go to the doll museum when likes seeing all the antique and porcelain dolls from back in the day. Olivia comes in the dining carrying a pot with pot roast inside, l hope you have an appetite cause l made roast beef and potatoes with carrots my mom's famous recipe. Olivia says to Casey l haven't ate anything since lunch Casey States, Liv makes Nyla's plate first and then Casey's.

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