The newest edition to the Benson family

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Olivia's: POV
Once we picked up the kitten from the animal shelter
Nayla fell in love instantly with the new fury animal
After putting the cat in the pet carrier. We returned back to the house, the name we originally chosen call her didn't really suit her so we came up with the name Tabby it seemed like Tabby liked it. She was four months old
All her shots were update, we had a special collar made for her. I explained the rules carefully to Nayla how to handle Tabby, even at two years old my daughter understood what I was talking about. We pulled up into the driveway, and I turned off the car got out of the vehicle. Since Tabby was still a kitten she would eat wet food until she was a little older than l would start her on dry cereal, it's a good thing l brought everything she needed just a few days ago. I may have went a tad overboard, with the bed and the kitty condo it was all for good reason. Growing up l wasn't never allowed to have pets, l vowed to myself when I got older to get a pet so here we are years later. I helped Nayla out of her car seat
Grabbed the cat carrier, unlock the front door and we went on in the house. I let tabby out so she could explore her new surroundings, of course Nayla followed Tabby all the house. I made the right choice in purchasing this sweet little girl. I head to the kitchen to wash my hands
And get started on lunch for Nayla and I, training tabby won't be an easy task. I want to Tabby to get use to using the litter box, so I created a space for her in the shed we're all her belongings were. I know she wouldn't stay in there all the time, l want tabby to be free to rom around as much as possible. Cats don't like to be cooped up in one spot for to long, l looked into the living room and saw Nayla lying on the floor playing with Tabby rolling the toy ball back and forth. I believe tabby and Nayla are going to become good friends, it's back to work at the college
Casey wants to get to together on Friday. I hope she's not trying to fix me up on a blind date, no matter how many times l tell her l'm not interested in meeting anyone right now. I am content with being single for a while, soon as I mentioned l have a child women don't look in my direction, sometimes I think I'll never find happiness
I've been single for a long time. It use to bother me when I would see couples with their significant others out and about, wishing it was me in there shoes. But l know my time is coming soon and I will treat the woman of my dreams like a queen that she is.

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