another night at the office

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Alex's: POV
Here l am staring out the window in my office
Watching the cars drive by. I remember a time
I use to love coming home from work and my girlfriend would make love until the sun came up, after dating for three years. I wanted to take our relationship to the next level, l was certain she was the one for me. But I was wrong. When I caught her in my bed with my best friend
She said it was my fault because I was always working
There were times l didn't wanna go on living, it was hard but I managed to pick myself up and buried myself into my work. I vow to never give my heart to another woman again, but little did l know that I would meet the most beautiful woman of my dreams. I use to think true love only existed in movies, l felt something was missing from my life. I guess l ignore all the signs of when my ex girlfriend would come over to smelling like cheap perfume, lt didn't dawn on me she had hickies on her neck she kept hidden from me. After a while l stop caring
I've always lived up to everybody's expectations. I graduated at the top of my class at Harvard university
My sister and l grew up in a big house. Our family came from old money, of course all of our friends only wanted to hang out with us cause we were privileged. Being the youngest, l felt pressured to be the best. Our parents in stilled in us at a young age, core values. My father was a rather a noble man of good character and mother was the most beautiful person in the world, she taught us everything we needed to know about cooking sewing
Money management skills and how to be strong women of virtue. And never to settle for second best, l loss myself alone the way, l knew that I wanted to become a lawyer when I grew up. Because l would spend time my grandfather Jamison at the courthouse, l would watch him in action. I was intrigued how he managed to put the bad guys, he was my hero growing up. Before he became sick l spent every moment with him. He taught me a lot about the law, and how to gain people's respect in the community. I only had one good friend Casey Novak
Was a attorney like me, she never let others put her down
Casey was care free. She took pride in her work
I remember when I was first sign on the district attorney's office, l was twenty seven years old. I was determined to make my grandfather proud, some cases l worked on
Involved children who had been abused or sexual assaulted. These were the hardest, l wanted to get justice for them, there was so much cutely in the world. Sometimes I would have nightmares about the stories they told me about what they endure. I can't imagine what my sister Stephanie sees on a daily basis, it's hard for her locking up perps. Going to the crime scene seeing death bodies, and having to tell the families about their love ones. Sometimes I think l'm going crazy in my mind
Therapy has helped me find balance, my therapist suggested that I do daily meditations. And yoga
I know my niece who l adore greatly thinks l'm avoiding her, but l'm trying to work through some things in my personal life, this would be the first time l've been home to visit my family in two years. Every time my parents would call, to invite somewhere. I would always say l'm working on a new case, but my sister wasn't buying it
My excuses. She was the only one who knew about my break up, even my sister in law figured it out
I don't know how Lena did it. They didn't bother to ask any questions, l eventually told them what happened
to say my sister was pissed was a understatement
Stephanie wanted to kill my ex girlfriend but Lena talked her out of it. She's always been protective over me
She's the same way with her wife and daughter's
I moved away from the window to go take a seat at my desk. I can't believe it's going on 10:30 at night
Tomorrow I leave for new York for my parents anniversary party which is on Saturday,

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