After the date

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Olivia's: POV
I can't believe how much Alex and I had in common
After dinner we decided to take a walk. Since it was still light outside, she talked about her career as a lawyer and l told her about my job as a college professor at the University. She mentioned all the places she visited growing up, when she mentioned that she had an older sister who was a detective. I was impressed
Alex told me how her last relationship ended,
That's terrible Olivia said. Olivia knew in her heart
Alex was the missing piece she's been longing for
As the night progresses we got to know each other on a different level, we stopped by an ice cream parlor
I ordered a cup of vanilla with caramel sauce
Alex got strawberry cheesecake. We made plans to get gather again next Friday, as we were enjoying ourselves
Alex's phone starts ringing she excused herself from the table to go take the call. I continued on eating my dessert
Alex has been gone for over twenty minutes, l hope everything's okay. I went to through my trash away
Alex came back to the table her blue eyes were red and swollen, lt looked like she been crying. Olivia rushes back over to the table, Olivia can you take me home now
Alex asks me. Sure come on Olivia replied
We headed out the parlor, l unlock the car and open up the door for Alex to get inside. Olivia wanted to asked Alex what was wrong, but she thought it would be to
Personal. I started up the vehicle and drove Alex back to her house, Alex knows she owes Olivia explanation
Why she ended their date so quickly. That call was from my mother telling me that when she got home from work
And found my father passed out in bed when she went to check for a pulse he didn't have, she preformed CPR
For twenty minutes and that's when she realized he was gone. All this happened this afternoon, according to the doctor. He had a Brian aneurysm that exploded
We just seen him a month ago and dad looked fine
I can't believe this at least he didn't suffer, my mother is making funeral preparations and getting everything in order. I'm going to fly out to new York some time tomorrow, once I look up flights Alex explained
I'm sorry for your lost Alex Olivia says to the blonde
Thank you Olivia l would love to see you again.
All l ask is for you to give me some time to grieve
And we'll see how things go from there Alex said
Okay sounds good sweetheart l'm here if you need to talk or a shoulder to lean on Olivia States. As Olivia pulls up in front of Alex's house, Alex leans over and kissed me on the lips. Good night Olivia Alex tells me she got out the car
I waited till she was in the house safely and l took off
My heart goes out to Alex and her family. I remember when I lost my mother, it was hard me to for process
I pulled up to my home and pushed the button that open up the garage door. I parked my car and got out of my vehicle, went inside to relieve my baby sitter sasha
Hi Sasha how did everything go with Nayla Olivia asked
We watched a movie. Then I got her ready for bed Sasha explains, l handed her 75.00 dollars for keeping my daughter.

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